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Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Meet My Little 'Knitted' Friends

Aren't they some posh looking ladies?  They are part of my Euan's Finger Puppet Collection.  No no no, I didn't make them, I found a fantastic seller on ebay three or four  of years ago and she is still going strong.  I have ordered some Halloween Goodies today.   We have our fair share of mass produced toys, but I love handmade toys.  This shoe box of finger puppets has been fantastic for creative play, songs and bringing stories alive.  We have had great fun with them and still do...
Here is Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
The Gingerbread boy and the Little old Man and the Little old Woman.  (Aren't her tiny glasses cute?)
Little Red Riding Hood, Granny and the Wolf!
Two Little Dickie birds...Peter and Paul...
The anxious Mother Duck! (scuse the pet hair...I vacuum daily!!!!)
The Five Little Ducks that go swimming one day, over the hills and far away!
Jack, his Mother, the magic bean seller and the ogre!
Not forgetting the poor old cow!
Macbeth's three witches...Hubble Bubble, toil and trouble!  ( I use all of these puppets at work to, for story work and role play).
Rapunzel is my favourite, I love her long long golden hair.
It is a modern world, Rapunzel has the choice of a selection of fine princes...
Or there are plenty of Knights in shining Armour ready to whisk her away on horseback!
The Knights are very brave and have no problem with unruly dragons....
Especially when Merlin the Magician is there to help too.
You might recognise these three...
and these two....
Another three from Hogwarts...
Poor Hedwig has lost an eye!  Oh dear.  last but not least....
Dobby the elf, who has to double as one of the three little pigs as one of the pigs has run away with Noddy, Big Ears, Father Christmas and Incey Wincey Spider!  I am sure they will all turn up again safely soon.
I hoped you like looking at my little buddies.  They all fit beautifully on little fingers and come alive like a treat. The Seller on Ebay is Fingerpuppets33 (Anne).  Anne is really happy to help and will try her very best to make what you are after.  I think you will agree she has quite a talent!  My photographs do not really do the puppets justice either.  They make perfect gifts for littlies for Christmas.  I have had boys at school as old as twelve playing with them!!!  Some of my puppets look a bit worse for wear but they have been played with lots and lots and they have even been through the washing machine on a hand wash cycle.


  1. Amazing creations, perfect for story telling.
    I remember being a witch in Macbeth and there's me thinking/wishing I was more of a Rapunzel!
    Carol xx

  2. Carol don't worry My Dad was Alice once in a school play of 'Alice in Wonderland!'....we are not always type cast...

  3. Gosh they are super. I have a lot of knotted food via eBay, but these look like a great buy.

  4. Oh Lucy these are wonderful! How neat that you found these :) She is a very talented artist! It sounds like those little puppets have been a huge source of fun and entertainment for many kids. What a great way to spend time together and have some good, old fashioned, unplugged fun!

  5. A wonderful collection. I remember how it was finger puppets that really brought Thomas out of his shell at primary.

  6. Wow! Those are amazing! I loved the cow (I have a thing about cows), and the Harry Potter characters. You are very lucky to own them all and to have so much fun with them :)

  7. OOOOOhhhhhhh... these are so cute, Lucy...
    Lovely, lovely...
    Wonderful collection..

  8. OMGosh I'm loving them all!!!

    I so want the duckies and the witches are pretty freaking cool again!


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