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Monday, 12 December 2011

Hippy Witch is Celebrating by Giving Away 'Bunty Bunny'

Lori at Hippy Witch Crafts is celebrating fifty followers on her Blog by Giving Away the adorable Bunty Bunny.  I have the wantsies!  She is so cute.  I thought you would love her too and you will love Lori's Blog.  Lori makes the most beautiful hand crafted toys and ornaments.  I have a bit of of thing for Hippy Witch 'Felt Toadstool Houses'.   They are the prettiest I have ever seen.

I was/am a 'big' Noddy and Big Ears Fan, toadstool houses really capture my imagination, I could happily live in a toadstool surrounded by Pixies and Fairies.  I am hoping Bunty Bunny might come and live with me too.  I am keeping my fingers crossed.


  1. Aw thanks for saying such lovely things about my toadstools and Bunty. I have a few entries so far, the more the merrier!

    Good luck Lucy :-)

  2. Lovely bunny and fabulous toadstool, no wonder you have the 'wanties'.
    Carol xx

  3. Ooh thanks for the heads up- I am heading over now, hopefully to win that bunny!
    I would also be happy to live in a neighboring toadstool, and we could meet and crochet and chat with the pixies and fairies, Noddy and Big ears!

  4. Thanks for sharing Lucy, I've never seen Lori's blog before & it's really cool! :-)

  5. Ooo great. I've made a few buntys, even I can knit them and I'm a hopeless knitter.

  6. Wowsers...that toadstool is amazing! Am heading over to take a look.....

  7. ooooooo I have the wanties too! That bunny is just gorgeous.
    You have just reminded me of my favourite jigsaw puzzle as a child (a pre-schooler at that!)which belonged to my friend Tess (who is now my son's Godmother)It was that Noddy picture that was on it!! Going to Facebook it to her right now!!!
    lot of love xx


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