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Friday, 16 December 2011

Happy 'Pie Day' Friday - Or should it be 'Pie Eyed Day' Friday?

The Hairy Biker 'Perfect Pies' book has over 140 on my first Pie Day Friday I ignore the book and make up my own pies!  The definition of 'Pie' in the book is anything in a crust or wrapped in a crust, so the definition is pretty loose and includes, flans, potato topped pies, somosa's etc.  The Somosa recipes look great.  Yesterday I made Vegetable Pasties ready for today and my other half has taken one to work.  I made enough Pastry to make a pastry case too, so today I made a simple quiche.  I experimented with Cream Cheese and eggs, rather than the usual eggs, milk and grated cheddar cheese.  I invented 'Celery and Mushroom Quiche with Garlic and Herb Cream Cheese'.  I don't think it would win any prizes for appearance but it is pretty tasty and was very quick to make.  My camera is not on the blink, it really is that yellow, I can only assume this is due to the superior quality of my 'buddies' offerings.

1 Pastry Case
200g of Garlic and Herb Cream Cheese
2 Sticks of Celery sliced very finely
10-12 Button Mushrooms Finely Diced
2 eggs (preferably freshly laid by your bestest chicken buddies)

I gently fried the mushrooms and celery until they were soft.  I put these in the pastry case.  In a separate bowl I mixed the eggs and cream cheese until thoroughly blended and poured this into the pastry case over the celery and mushrooms.  Bake the quiche in a hot oven for 25 - 30 minutes.

I have also been busy making one of my favourite Christmas Tipples 'Irish Cream'.  I have never made it before, but Christmas isn't Christmas without a bottle of 'Baileys' Irish Cream.  I watched a program called 'Superscrimpers Christmas Special'.  If this is scrimping I am more than happy to scrimp away.
Super Scrimpers Party Food Recipes, including Irish Cream can be found here:
I promise these are tiny glasses.  I have started to sip mine.  I think in this case 'Home made' really is best.  I have poured a glass for you, if you are not here within the hour I am afraid I will have to drink yours too.  Cheers!


  1. I really fancy this book now. I used to shy away from pastry. It was demonised by weight watchers. Now I think what the hell. I too really enjoyed the superscrimper programme so cheers m'dear you enjoy my glass.

  2. NOW I am excited cos' I KNOW Santa is bringing me that book and I cannot wait! I a a PIE-OHOLIC and that looks LUSH!

  3. Drat, too late, you'll have drunk mine.
    Those eggs must be an amazing colour, like sunshine.
    Carol xx

  4. Your pies continue to inspire me to try. I have made my own liqueur once.. Kahlua.. with instant coffee and real vanilla beans.. yum. Wish I could have a taste of yours!
    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. I will have to try that receipe for quiche it sounds delicious. I haven't had my breakfast yet and now I'm really hungry lol! Joanna xx

  6. oh my goodness homemade Baileys!! I am sooooooo making that!!! chin chin my lovely.

  7. Phwoar! Your quiche sounds delicious! I am definitely going to have to look out for the Hairy Bikers cook book and try to get myself as inspired as you :)

  8. Ha! ha! ha! Ha!... I loved the first ingredient for you orange clove Pomander - one small bored child!!!! LOL!
    I wait to read your blog.. its so fun and inspiring, each time.
    Lots of love to the kids...
    ((HUGS)) to you


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)