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Saturday, 10 December 2011

Festive Cushions - My First Sewing Lesson for 25 years

Forgive my model's dirty face...he had just finished a mug of Hot Chocolate.  (That is my mug of tea in shot!)  He is enjoying a cosy winter evening under his Granny Square Blanket on the sofa, watching TV.  He loves the weekends.  Euan is almost as proud of these 'Festive Cushions' as I am.  He was fascinated by sewing machine shenanigans!  I think he is going down with a lurgy as he is sneezing a snuffly, so curling up on the sofa is a great remedy.
The cushions are a result of reading too many ideas from Dottie Angel.  They are hot off the sewing machine in this picture and need pressing and buttons added.  Euan did want them immediately though and they are in use as I type!  I have never used my sewing machine before and I took it to my Mom's today, where we fathomed it out together.  I have not touched a sewing machine for 25 years.  I some how broke a needle at school and remember it hurting, so I am very wary of sewing machines...I spent more time in the queue for the teacher than actually sewing and never completed a single item.  My heart nearly leaped out of my chest today as soon as I started the foot pedal!  I was pretty scared.  I spent a lot of time breaking thread and threading the that normal?  I did it over twenty times!  I am delighted though that I have sewn semi straight lines and turned two 'Christmas Tea Towels' into cushions.  I did not think I would be able to do that!  I won't be making a wedding dress any time soon, but I can sew two tea towels together, whhooo hooo!
I would not give you a close up at this stage in my sewing career though!  I have been looking at craft with 'Tea Towels' on the net and can feel an obsession coming on.  18 Clever Dish Towel Ideas - Is my favourite so far :)  You can get some lovely tea towels and they are very durable and inexpensive.  I am thinking in the new year to make matching chair cushions for the dining chairs.  I am going to look for 'Cup Cake' Tea Towels.


  1. Go Girl!My son used to sit under my sewing machine operating the foot pedal with his hands! I used to have to shout "start and stop!!!" He loved it and it gave me some peaceful sewing time. Poor Child!

  2. Linda, that is such a cute image, Euan would absolutely love that need some serious 'Mother and Son Trust' for that...I will definitely be trying it! :)

  3. I love these cushions, and thats a great link for tea towels- I've got some great old ones I have been wondering what I could do with, so thanks :)
    ps I'm also sneezy and snuffly so have much sympathy for Evan!

  4. What lovely pillows :) Evan sure is your partner in crime isn't he? I do hope he isn't coming down with anything too miserable. It is that time of year though...I would say that for your first sewing project in 25 years, you did a swell job! Hopefully we'll be able to see more hot-off-the-machine projects in the future. Enjoy!

  5. Any post that has Euen in it is a post that makes me smile. He's so darn cute! I have a similar fear of sewing machines.. but I want one so I can make my own sock monkey bodies. And pillows. And stuff.
    Good for you!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. Theyre great and well done for trying so hard to overcome your fears

  7. They look brilliant! Well done on beating the fear :-) It could be your tension is set too tight of the thread keeps snapping but it's nothing major. I look forward to seeing the rest of your sewing modelled by Evan :-)
    Lori x

  8. Lovely photo, great cushions. Dottie Angel has posted some great ideas this week.
    Carol xx

  9. Your christmassy cushions are brilliant. Euan is a great model, what a lovely smile :-) xx

  10. Your cushions look awesome...well done you for getting to grips with the sewing machine! I love the photo of Euan with his blanket :)


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