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Sunday, 18 December 2011

Ooo! Oo! Exciting Blog Award

Ooo  Oooo!  How exciting, I have been nominated for a Blog Award, by the lovely Nicole at the her Blog of Yarny Lovliness;

 Nicole And The Bee.  Thank you.  The Liebster Blog Award is for Upcoming Blogs with less than 200 followers.  Now I have the grand duty of passing it on to five other Fab and Groovy Blogs.  What a tough thing to do.  I read so many blogs that to pick only five favourites is a really hard job.

My First Blog Award Nomination  is for Teresa Kasner there is something so homely and welcoming about Teresa's Blog.  I learn a lot from popping there regularly.  Teresa shares her beautiful home and family and documents her very full and busy life.  Her photography and craft work is always an inspiration.  It has been beautiful to follow through the seasons and holidays.  In a recent post Teresa tells you how to make one of these adorable snowmen.  Who can resist?

My second Blog Award Nomination is for Knits and Crosses.  This Blog has to be the one that has had me laughing the most.  I am  particularly a fan of Sarah's Cookery Posts.  I also think she is an incredibly talented lady, her knitting and more recently her weaving are really inspiring and innovative.  It is the best blog in my opinion for showcasing textiles from a 'Rigid Heddle' loom.   Her recent experiment weaving with scrap fibres have had beautiful results and her enthusiasm is infectious.  I am always interested to see what Sarah has been up to and her posts are varied and educational.  I love the textiles she creates and also the sewing projects she shares.  The above picture is from a recent post of a 'Prodigal Project' that was in long term hibernation.  It is a scrap blanket that has recently been completed and I think you will agree it is a beauty.

My third Award Nomination is to Chalky's World.  This is another inspirational Blog where I learn a lot.  The above picture is a small sample of the charity work that Linda undertakes.  Here knitting needles and crochet hooks must be smoking hot with work.  Linda makes toys for children, scarves for Japan, knitted and crochet squares for blankets, Hedgehogs by the dozen for 'Tiggywinkles' Wildlife Hospital, baby clothes and she also makes beautiful projects for her friends and family.  It is amazing what a difference you can make to other people through craft.  We have been awaiting exciting news from Chalky's world...a special  arrival is due any day.  He will be thoroughly loved and spoiled.  I also love Linda's cookery posts and I must make the 'Chocolate Pizza' some day soon.

I really did say Chocolate Pizza.
I have taught myself new stitches and patterns from Linda's easy to understand and useful tutorials.  I am always interested to see what is Linda's latest creation.

My Fourth Blog Award Nomination is for Grateful 4 Crochet.  This is another blog where I am never sure what to expect.  We have been to Fairyland (several times) and had a Fairy Party,  I like Fairy land particularly the Fairy Crowns.
I want a Fairy Crown!
I also enjoyed a recent trip to an Art Gallery, there were some fantastic 'illicit' photographs.  There is also a wide variety of Crochet Projects to kind of blog :)

My fifth and final Blog Award Nomination goes to Different Choices.  I have really enjoyed Becks sharing her families December.  I have enjoyed the Christmas build up with her children, the simple pleasures in life.  Popcorn Garlands, Paper Snowflakes, Tree Ornaments, Seasonal Painting and Advent Tree Decorating.  I love the photographs of the children engrossed in their wide variety of crafts and creations.  Becks Home Educates her children and I am envious of this lifestyle.  Judging by the Blog the children are exposed to a fantastic education, sharing and appreciating family time together.  Not a hint of gratuitous materialism in sight, very hard to achieve in this modern world with a young family.  This blog reminds me not to overlook the simple things in life and how valuable it is to take time to 'smell the roses' and slow down a little and spend genuine quality time with our little ones.

I feel a bit sad to have only five choices because there are so many blogs out there that I really enjoy, I could so easily have nominated more more more!  If I have missed you out please don't think I don't love you!  Do dip in to my 'Blog List' that you can see on the left hand side of my blog as you can visit some fantastic blogs written by some really talented, interesting and 'funny' people.  xxx


  1. Thanks so much!!!
    I will have to nominate you right back, as I love your blog!!!

  2. Ohhhhhh!
    How kind of you to nominate my blog and your very kind words about "Chalky's World" where we are still all waiting patiently!
    Kindest Regards Linad

  3. Thank you for sharing some of your favorite blogs. Now I have some new people to visit and learn some new things! And I think Teresa was an excellent Nominee :) Way to go girl!

  4. Congratulations Lucy, well deserved award.
    I shall have to check out the other blogs you mention too, so many nice blogs............ so little time!
    Carol xx

  5. Aw, thanks for the nomination - and congratulations on your award:) I will have to check out the other blogs that you nominated too :)
    Sarah x

  6. You're welcome! I can't believe I didn't nominate Teresa, I just assumed she had a lot more followers although she's almost at 200! Doh! She's one of my fave peeps and literally comments on every post of mine, so sweet and dedicated!!

  7. Nicole, I feel awful about who I left out. I found it a real struggle to narrow it down to five. 'Grateful4Crochet' said she would nominate me back...does that mean I can choose another five? I think it might :) x

  8. Lucy, you are so sweet to nominate me! I feel the same way about you.. you're one of the things I count my blessings for in the year 2011. And look at the sweet comments from our other friends - Nicole and Lacey, you are sweet too!
    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)