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Friday, 23 December 2011

Happy Pie Day Friday (2) - Tasty Vegetable Somosas

I was delighted to find a 'Hairy Biker' Somosa Recipe in my New Bible of Pie Making.  I will take the opportunity to just flash you another picture of the 'Sacred Text' here:
Oops!  Sorry wrong Picture....

Aaah, that's the one...this is a truly spiffing book.
I would be delighted over the festivities to find Authentic Indian Food on offer.  In fact I would cheerfully eat these Somosas in place of much of the 'traditional' Christmas foods.  Supermarkets do sell ready made Somosas but they are disappointing imposters.  I always though 'Somosa' making was out of my league, until I discovered this recipe (Which as usual, I have adapted a wee bitty bit!).  I can't believe how simple these are to make.


For the Pastry
250g of Plain Flour
1 egg ( from your bestest Clucky Friends) Separated in to the Yolk and the white.
1 tsp of salt
2 tbls of vegetable oil
75 - 150 mls of warm water

For the Filling
1 Onion finely chopped
2 Cloves of Garlic finely chopped
1 Medium Potato (diced)
1 Sweet Potato (diced)
50g of Frozen Peas
2tsp of Garam Masala
1 tsp of Chillie Flakes
50ml water
The Juice of 1 Lemon
Salt and pepper
fresh Coriander

Gently fry the onion until it is soft.  Add the garlic and fry for 1 minute.   Add the potato, Sweet potato and the spices and fry gently for five minutes.  Add the water, lemon juice and peas, cook gently until the potatoes are tender.  Season with salt and pepper.  Leave to cool.  When Cool stir in chopped fresh coriander.
    The pastry is very easy to make.  Put the egg yolk, flour, oil and salt into a bowl.  Mix lightly until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.  Add enough water to make a ball of 'pastry dough'.   Roll out the pastry so it is approximately 3mm thick.  Cut into rounds (I used a tea plate).  Cut the rounds in to semi circles.  To fill, fold the semi circles in to cones, half fill with the filling and use the egg white as 'glue' to seal each somosa.  Deep Fry the Somosas in small batches for 4-5 minutes and drain on Kitchen paper. 

I enjoyed mine dipped in Home made 'Tamarind Sauce'.  I will definitely be making these again and will experiment with Aloo Chana Chaat (Chick pea and Potato Curry as a filling).  I will let you experiment with whatever filling you like.  I am thinking of making my 'Mince Pies' Somosa style today.  


  1. I looked up that book desperately hoping I might obtain it as a Christmas present. From what I saw plus all the talk you give it, it sounds wonderful! My heart dipped a bit when I saw a sample recipe though. Seeing as it is made for you folks across the pond, there were a lot of instructions that made little sense to me, and having to convert each and every measurement would be a bit taxing after a while. Sad day. I believe I might mooch off of your blog occassionally if you don't mind though :) Let's just hope I can get Bryon to cooperate with trying new things! I think even he might like the sound of Chick Pea/Potato Curry or mince pie! I'd love to hear it if you get the chance!

  2. Well, fancy calling themselves Hairy Bikers, Trades Description Act needs invoking looking at those chests!
    I'd happily eat those Samosas but DH would look at me and then ask what happened to the mash and gravy.
    Carol xx

  3. I've bought the book on your recommendation and I LOVE it! I have already cooked a couple of pies :)

  4. These look wonderful! I think I may give them a try for supper tonight - and I'm going to look up that book. Thanks!


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