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Saturday, 17 December 2011

How to make Clove Orange Pomanders

You will Need:
1 Small bored Child (Optional)
Whole Cloves (They are much cheaper to buy from our local Asian Store)
Elastic bands
Ground Cinnamon

Poke cloves into oranges and tie with ribbon.  Rub with ground cinnamon for extra festive scent.  That is basically it.  Euan used cocktail sticks to pierce his orange before sticking in the clove.  I just poked the cloves straight in.  I used the elastic bands to leave space for the ribbon.
I would like to say I am proud of my son for making this is a fantastic little festive activity for children...sadly though this is my messy Pomander.  I would really like some narrow red ribbon to tie neatly around it, I will also use a make up brush to brush excess cinnamon away.  It is a bit of a rush job!  Tut tut.  My son is disgusted and says it is a mess!  It smells really good hidden at the back of the Christmas Tree though  Euan is still working on his 24 hours later...
His is very neat and his approach is really methodical.  I have told him I would like to show his neat Cloved Orange on my blog when it is finished, as mine is such a scruffy example.  Now he is working extra carefully on it!   Henry and I are pretty slap dash and scruffy...Euan and his Dad are very neat and can often make for 'fireworks' in the house!  It takes all sorts to make a world.  I can remember my Mom making these Pomanders when I was a child and she would make them a few weeks before Christmas.  I think they lived in paper bags in the airing cupboard where they dry out nicely.  They will keep for months dried, but they are an instant hit of 'Orange and Spice' aroma fresh.  You can also make them with Lemons too, which I might try next year.


  1. That sounds like it would smell very nicely! I've never bought whole cloves before. I have some oranges and cinnamon on hand, but no cloves. I might have to try one of those out!

  2. I remember making these in school - and how badly my fingertips hurt from pushing the cloves in! But they did smell good - at least until the oranges went bad!!

  3. That is coming along very nicely. Love the smell of them.
    Thank you for your kind comment Lucy, feel much more like getting ready for Christmas now.
    Carol xx

  4. I made those once.. I could almost smell it through the computer screen... "smell-a-vision"! I met my best friend from 7th grade for lunch.. now I'm home relaxing. Kind of tired.
    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Delightful, thanks for that. I have one of those, a bored child I mean. We will give it a crack. Lovely work Euan!!

  6. Well that should keep Evan quiet for a good while! I remember making these as a child too, they smell gorgeous and Christmassy :-)

    Lori x

  7. Your pomanders look great! I made some myself yesterday...and wished I had read your blog first cos I would have put some cinnamon on mine too :)

  8. Lovely! Thank you for the reminder. I haven't made these in a long time -- puttin' cloves on my shopping list today!

  9. We've been planning on making one of these - so it's good to get some tips from you.

  10. I haven't made one of these in years :-) Very nostalgic, we used to do them in school in the run up to Christmas :-)

    Pop over to my blog... I've nominated you for an award :-D x


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