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Sunday, 22 January 2012

One Week to go! 'Great Blogiversary Give Away'

There is one week to go until my 'First Blogiversary'.  How quickly the time flies.  One year ago since I posted my first post When Life Gives You Lemons.  My philosophy has not changed.  I still think 'When life gives you Lemons you should make a 'Lemon Drizzle Cake.'   I love the way cake solves everything!  (If only the politicians ate more cake!)  In fact I have plans to make a 'Lemon Drizzle' next week to celebrate a year of blogging.  I hope to make a beauty with a candle and everything!

In a year I have posted over 300 posts, phew don't I have a lot to say for myself!  I have made loads of 'Blog Buddies' and to date have 174 followers from all over the globe.  I am very grateful to you all for joining me in my madn adventures.  I have fun joining in with yours.

I have a small obsession with my 'Flag Counter' (a bit like stamp collecting) and check it a couple of times a week.  I have had visitors from 121 different countries with Qatar being the last new country.  (I still have to look up where that is!)  Fancy I have had visitors from places I have never even heard of!  My Geography knowledge must be bad!  We must not forget the 'Extraterrestrial Visitor. (Hello, smiles and waves - we know you are out there).

Now I love me a good 'Blog Give Away'.  I won't be celebrating for my birthday this year with a 'Give Away'.  I may celebrate '200' Followers at some point in the future, and '100 000' hits feels like it will be a benchmark, I still have a long way to go for that though (currently I have 67 000 hits).  If you can't celebrate your 'First Blogiversary' what can you celebrate?  It is not just a 'Big Year' for my Blog it is a 'Big Year' for Britain!  (Though most of us would not know it with the state of the economy!)  Her Majesty will be celebrating her 'Diamond Jubilee' in June and we will get an extended Bank Holiday weekend.  I am all for those!
Ooops Sorry, wrong picture!

Here she is in all her Glory

We are also proud (but very poor) hosts to the 2012 Olympics.
What a super 'Official Logo' It looks even better if you wear your sunglasses!

I thought it befitting that my 'Give Away Prizes' should have a touch of Great British Patriotism about them.  I will have One 'Lucky first Prize Winner' and Three 'Runner Up' prizes for the 'Grand Blogiversary Draw'.  I have a selection of these fine 'Tea Towels' to give away.  The first prize will be the much sort after set of all three.  The runners up will win 'One Randomly Selected' tea towel each.  They are sure to add a touch of glamour to your daily drudge!  I know they do it for me!
My Personal Favourite paying homage to The Great British Egg!
(I am sure you get eggs in the rest of the world though?)

My Day would not be complete without the Great British Cuppa.
(All the way from India!)

Doesn't the Union Jack look much better in Pink Patchwork.  I may write to Her Majesty and The Houses of Parliament to start a campaign to get it officially changed to this.  Much much prettier, don't you think?

I can't promise to iron the prizes but I am sure the 'winners' could do that for themselves.  To be in for your chance to win one of these fantabulous 'Tea Towels' you simply need to be a 'Follower' of  'Lucy In the Sky' and leave me a comment on this post.  I would love it if your comment could explain why for you, 'Britain is Truly Great'.  I will draw the 'Winners' by 'Random Number Generator' on my Blogiversary Day, 29th January 2012.  You need to have entered by 28th.  Let us eat 'Drizzle Cake' and be merry!
Good Luck and thanks again for following and all your lovely comments  X 


  1. The pink patchwork one is most awesome! I love it!

    Congratulations on your blogversary and the sucess of your blogging :)
    Thanks for the slice of cake - twas most yummy!

  2. wow a year!!!Definately celebrate that. Its been great getting to know you thanks for your friendship.

  3. Snap! I have a patchwork tea towel for my anniversary giveaway too! But gosh! Haven't you done well, I'm thrilled to have 78 followers! Very, very impressed with your numbers:-).
    I just love your blog, well done Lucy and very happy returns of the day to you. Jude x

  4. Congratulations on your Blogiversary! 300 posts in your first year - AMAZING!

    Your cake looks wonderful. Made my stomach growl over my morning coffee! :)

    Well done you!

  5. I love Great Britain. I love it so much I left my homeland (USA) to go to University in London. I enjoyed my time so much. I would have stayed, but I didn't think it was fair to try to take a job from a deserving Brit. So I came back to the states. I have missed the UK ever since and still have a lot of friends over there. Becoming a blogger has been wonderful, I have made even more friends from the UK. I love your blog and have been inspired to make a lemon cake today. It is my all time favorite too. Sometimes my family gets lemoned out. Not me.

  6. Congratulations Lucy, I've loved reading your blog this past year and look forward to many more great posts.
    I don't think there is enough room to list everything that makes Britain Truly Great, the people, the countryside, the seaside, the towns, the cities, the villages, the art, the creativity...... it is just brilliant and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Big up Britain, bestest place in the whole wide world!
    Carol xx

  7. Congratulations Lucy! and thanks for the slice of lemon drizzle cake!! my favourite!
    I agree with Carol - loads of things make us great, such a shame more people aren't proud to be British! I'd never want to live anywhere else!

  8. I love the Egg Tea Towl, I love a boiled Egg, Congratulations on your blog anniversary.

    reiki on ravelry

  9. I think I read that first post the day you posted it :)

    Great Britain is great to me because it is where I was born, and where my family comes from. Even though I live far, far away now, Britain will always feel a little bit like home to me.

    And the pink patchwork Union Jack is lovely!

  10. Congratulations on your blogiversary!!

  11. I hope that in a years time I will still be blogging - well done and congratulations - I definitely agree with the cake comment after eating some homemade cake today. The lemon drizzle cake looks fab! Happy blogiversary xxxx <3

  12. Dear Friend Lucy.. 1st, *C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S*!* on your Blogaversary! You and I have kind of been doing this together, don't you think? Except I started a year ago September, in earnest. I love Britain because I descend from a King of England and I love all things British! I'm fascinated by the accent, the countryside, the royals and the ancient history and castles. I want my own castle there. :-) ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  13. Hi Lucy, I am hoping that this comment will get through! I tried to comment on your spring clean post and it wouldn't recognise my word verification! Britain to me is all the better for british whit like yours! I can't believe you have only been doing it a year!!

  14. What a lovely thing to do and fab prizes. Congratulations on your first blogiversary (spelled that all wrong didn't I?) and looking forward to many more to come. The best thing about Britain is the fabulous British bloggers and Ravelry members, oh and jaffa cakes, and tea, and fish and chips ... :)

  15. Congratulations, Lucy, on your blogaversary! I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to "know" you on your blog! You always bring a smile to my face everytime I read it! Thank you! ♥

  16. Wowsers..congratulations on your blogiversary :) I love your blog it always gets me smiling. Anyway, what makes Britain great? Well being an expat Aussie living in the UK I would have to say it's the weather (yes, really), the seasons, the cream teas, the humour....and some good looking men ;)

  17. Woohoo, congratulations Lucy! First things that come to mind on Why Britain Is Great:
    - the never failing sense of humour that cracks me up :D
    - beautiful nature
    - lovely villages
    - great yarn shops (I'm very jealous)
    - tea!
    - best cakes in the world
    - Britain scores very high on the animal protection department ♥
    - Brits don't make fun of strange foreigners' accents (as do the French - booo! ;-))
    Britain is Truly Great! And although I would love to have such a gorgeous tea towel in my kitchen, I'm secretly hoping the Visitor from the Unknown Satellite leaves a comment and gets drawn - just to see what postal address you'd have to put on the box! :D xxxx

  18. Congrats on your blogiversary! Those tea towels are awesome. Let's see, what makes Britain great...castles, Cadburys, cornish pasties (and other pastry wrapped meat items), yorkshire pudding, BBC shows, Harry Potter, and a whole variety of other things that are escaping me right now. Hehe. :)

  19. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I'm a new follower (and blogger) so a whole year and 300 posts sounds like a HUGE achievement to me - WELL DONE! :)

    What I love about Britain: the seaside, castles, beautiful countryside, regional accents, bbc period dramas, the union jack, the sense of humour, the diversty of our small island, keep calm and carry on attitude :) I could go on and on :)

    Gem x

  20. Woo I nearly missed this!!! Lurve the pink flag, definitely better than the original colour scheme me thinks :-)

    Well the countryside, Ronnie Barker, Last of the Summer Wine (before Russ Abbott killed it off)...... ooo crumpets!! Nearly forgot crumpets how silly of me!
    That cake looks amazing, yum.

    Lori xx

  21. wow i nearly missed this giveaway as well, just in time ,, well done on reaching your year anniversay ,, love your posts, the best thing about our country is you don't have to go far in our caravan to have a great time and hobbycraft

  22. Congratulations on your blogiversary - love the pink flag. I'm getting very excited for the Diamond Jubilee and love all the union jack stuff that is appearing in the shops.

    One of the things I love about Great Britain is we really put on a good show. Like the royal wedding last year I think the jubilee is going to be fantastic and people all over the world will be watching the events. We have great pagentry and tradition and I love that.

    Also love the fact (and I hope its right and not just made up from my imagination) that you are never further than 70 miles from the sea wherever you are on our island - what a great fact. I'm sure I heard that on Coast but don't quote me lol!

    Joanna xxx

  23. Congrats on one year! Thanks for the giveaway.

  24. Wow, a year already! I would love to be entered here, the tea-pot tea-towel being my favourite. Britain is Truly Great for me because I started dating my Sweetheart over there nearly 23 years ago!

  25. Wow, what a fantastic accomplishment for one year! Congratulations !!


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)