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Thursday, 5 January 2012

Rumpelstiltskin - Not quite spinning straw into gold!

I would like to introduce you to the 'Baa Lamb Brothers'.   They were a very cute Christmas present, hand made by my Mom.  Euan has the white one and I have the grey one.  I love their little woolly fleece.  I play with therm more than Euan does!  Mine will join me on my 'Spinning Adventures' for 2012.  They are pictured on top of a 'Woolly' Mountain of 'Merino'.  The Woolly Mountain is presenting quite a challenge...which is where the story of 'Rumpelstiltskin' springs to mind.  This is part of a 10kg Bale, I ordered out of overexuberance when I first started to spin!  Ooops.  It was a shared purchase with my Mom so that takes me down to a 5kg Merino Mountain.  Yes my Mom has a Merino Mountain of her own too.  My intention is to get  a large quantity of it spun ready for some  Dyers Adventures in the Summer.  Watch this space!  Whirrr whirrrr whirrrrr!  (That is the wheel going around!)  The Lady that initially 'taught' me how to spin said to me after about twenty frustrating minutes, "You'll get there, but you are not exactly 'Rumpelstiltskin'!"  I thought that was very funny.  Especially as the lady made a deal that if she couldn't get me spinning she would jump into the brook!  I think she had a few moments where she thought her feet would be getting wet!
Ah!  Ahem, yes another fibre Mountain!  Tis lovely.  A momento from our Summer 'Alpaca Adventure' at Cotswold Vale Alpacas Lovely Crimpy Locks of goodness.  It is quite different to spin compared to wool.  I have experimented, as I really fancy a light floaty shawl in 100% Alpaca.
This sample is 'Navajo Plied' so it is a 3ply yarn and anything but light and floaty.  I am not overly proud of this yarn as it is very uneven due to my inexperience with Alpaca and Navajo Ply.  I love it, but I know it is not technically great.  I would like to experiment felting thicker Alpaca yarn.  This would make a very dense fabric, ideal for a bag.
This is what is currently on 'The Bobbin'.  'Clamour for Glamour', a delicious hand painted 'Yummy Yarn' Fibre.
You gotta start the year as you mean to go on...look at me...all that 'Glamour'.  I still can't quite spin 'Straw into Gold' but I can manage a bit of 'Glamour' quite nicely, even if the only thing that is glamorous about me is what's on my bobbin!


  1. WOW!! I think that might be this year sorted then, you aren't planning on doing anything else are you?

    Lovely looking spinning, even the alpaca. What weight would you say the navajo alapaca is?

  2. Claire, I should be sorted for a few years! lol The Alpaca yarn in the picture is probably Aran weight in some places and chunky in others. Doh! Must try harder :) x Good job I like rustic hand spun and Shabby Chic!

  3. Wow, you are going to be busy. Love the 'Clamour for Glamour' very spirit lifting.
    Carol xx

  4. I love the sheep your Mum made- they are super adorable. Good luck with all that spinning Spinderella!!

  5. you'll be looking forward to 8 sacks of alpaca then!!

  6. Those wee sheep are SO cute! I love them.....

  7. Very cute little sheep :) Those fiber mounds are impressive! That'll be quite an accomplishment when you get through all of it. You're off to a great start with the glamour yarn. The colors are gorgeous! I'm excited to see what it turns into someday! Keep up the good work and good luck!

  8. Aw, the sheep are very cute :) I look forward to seeing what you are spinning and knitting this year!

  9. I love your spinning posts. You are so clever. Mums sheep are the best ever, too cute.

  10. I love the sheep,what a clever present!

    The alpaca nav plied looks lovely and even and I can't wait to see Clamour for Glamour finished. Are you going to make a 2 or a 3 ply and do you like the hint of sparkle? My grey/purple shawl in that fibre looks more sparkly after knitting it. Thanks for another lovely blog x

  11. The wee sheep your mum knitted are adorable. I think you are so clever spinning the fleece into yarn. I've never tried it and have no idea how its done but love seeing the pictures from fleece to yarn - tis magic! The colours in the Glamour on your bobbin are Gorgeous. Joanna xx


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