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Friday, 27 January 2012

Pie Day Friday - Cheese, Potato and Onion Pie Mmmmm

I like the left over pastry snacks on Pie Day Friday sometimes more than I like the pie.  These are Cheese and Marmite Pinwheels.  (The little Bart Simpson plate says 'I do what I want, when I want!'  Very apt!)  I topped the Pin Wheels with a three seed mix and they were delicious baked.  Enthusiasm is certainly dwindling for 'Pie' in this house.  My brood are fussy little 'so and so's'!    I took it upon myself to consume almost the entire 'Cheese, Potato and Onion Pie' single handed, it does keep for at least three days well!  It is also delicious cold.  I love the simple combination of cheese, potato and onion. It's a good job too when you are eating it for breakfast, dinner and tea, for three days!)  I am amazed three simple ingredients can make such a delicious flavour.  Obviously I am on my own in that opinion in this house. They thought that it was an 'Apple Pie' and never got over the shock or disappointment.

I made a batch of Shortcrust Pastry.
Ingredients for the Filling:
200g of Grated Strong Cheddar
2 Onions peeled and Finely sliced
3 medium potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
200ml cream
1 egg

Line a pie plate with half of the pastry.  Layer the base with the potatoes, onion and cheese.  Beat the cream and egg together and pour it carefully over the filling, reserve a tablespoon of this mixture to brush on the lid of the pie before baking.  Put the Pastry lid on the pie.  Brush with remaining egg and cream mixture.  Bake in a medium oven for 45 minutes.  Voila, one magic pie, made from very simple ingredients.

I am sure these boys would eat my Pie!  They don't look fussy!

Hope you are all set for a relaxing weekend.  X 


  1. I recognise that pie its one of my ultimate faves. Its like a kiss for the tummy.

  2. LOL! I think there would be similar disappointment in our house if what they thought was apple pie turned out to be cheese and potato pie. Does sound delicious though, might have to make some mini versions. I can imagine they would be good in lunch boxes too.

  3. This looks amazingly delicious- I love cheese, onions and potatoes!! I think I could eat this for three meals a day too

  4. Looks lovely! I might have a bash at this one as I'm a huge cheese nut :-)

    Yes it does look like it would do a good job of pretending to be apple though!

    Lori x

    ps, I've given you a blog award on my blog, love to read about your adventures :-)

  5. Pie for dinner tonight. Last week I ate, made, a cake after reading your post. Thanks for helping me plan my menus. :)

  6. That sounds simple and delicious! I even think Bryon might give it a try :) I believe I've found dinner for Monday! Thanks for the recipie!

  7. Mmmmm pies! Your pinwheels look yummy and I LOVE marmite :P
    You're right though, I am sure the Hairy Bikers would happily eat your pies (or anything else for that matter!)....mainly cos they look so delicious x x


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