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Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Forest Dwellers (2)

Today I survived the second of ten 'Forest School' sessions.  It was great fun.  The crackle of a camp fire and the sting of it's smoke in your eyes.  The children lit their fires first time this week.  They must have wanted the Hot Chocolate and cups of tea pretty bad.
'Our' camp is just for us, one day a week for ten weeks.  This week was spent on home improvements.  A rain shelter that got called the 'annex' or the 'extension'.  The children also wanted to build a tree house off the ground.  Today they got the base/floor made and attached to the trees, they also made a ladder to climb up to the house.  The tree house doubles up to keep the wood supply dry underneath.  It is all getting pretty sophisticated.  The kids use saws sensibly and really get empowered with the freedom.  They loved the rope swings again and enjoyed tree climbing.  My photography was hopeless this week I will try much harder next week. They spent a good couple of hours pretending to be Ewoks.  A couple of boys role played magicians around the fire conjuring flames.  One boy tried to get comfortable under the 'table' for a sleep but the others were making 'too much noise'!
We all ate an 'Al Fresco' lunch and then we made toast on the fire, which tastes much better than toaster made toast of course.  I had just finished my second coffee of the day when I took the most spectacular fall.  Somebody put logs all over the floor in the forest!  I trod on one, it rolled and I went flying.  I did not hurt anywhere in particular because it was one of those falls where everywhere hits the floor at once.  Due to the unexpected nature of my tumble, the speed I was travelling and momentum I rolled too.  I came to a stop at the feet of a small, shocked looking boy!  I was really pleased that he didn't laugh but immediately and out of genuine concern asked me if I was ok.  What a gent!  I got up rather quickly and still had my coffee cup in my hand!  My trousers and coat were pretty filthy though!  I am really getting to old for this falling over at speed lark!  I am definitely too old for rope swings!   I think I am also too old for ladders and tree houses.  I am not to old for sneaking up on unsuspecting Ewoks though and scaring the daylights out of them with a loud roar!


  1. Once again I am jealous to woodland shots. Can't wait for our winter to end so I can get out there camping again!

    Glad you didn't hurt yourself in your fall. Careless of someone to leave that log laying there! ;)

  2. hi great post thanks for comment on my blog yes i keep having blog trouble too ever since i updated my internet explorer

  3. It sounds very exciting. Thanks for you comments and I'm following you back on Twitter!

  4. Sounds like a great day, bar the fall. Guess there may be a few bruises tomorrow. What a wonderful environment for the children, I'm a tad jealous!!

  5. Glad you are not hurt from your tumble and what a lovely little boy for not laughing. My three would have wet themselves laughing at me :D

    Ps...I hope I didn't offend you about the cinnamon rolls. xx

  6. wow beautiful pictures and how much fun does that sound??

  7. It sounds like things are doing very well out in the wilderness! Keep your eye out for those logs though; I honestly think some of them jump under feet just for giggles. It is good you had a sincere helper though :) Good on him! Be strong, you can make it through the next few weeks!


  8. My friend Lucy.. Queen of the wild frontier! I just wish someone would have gotten a photo of your acrobatics, that would have made a great blog post! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. So you in training to be an acrobat or something?! I'm sure elf and safety would have something to say about logs lying about like that waiting for you to come along and go flying! Love the way you kept hold of your coffee though, priorities are all right there :-)

    Sounds like fun though.

    love Lori xx
    oh and I think I'd have laughed, sorry!

  10. It seems so relaxing. Sounds like you had a good time!


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