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Wednesday, 18 January 2012

I survived!

I went prepared with 'The Spotty Wellies' of experience.  Thankfully the frost was all gone so it was not too cold for four hours in the Forest.
The first job was to set up a safe fire.  Each child used 'Fire Steels' to make their own fire which was then built into one large fire.  The children loved the challenge of getting sparks and collecting tinder, kindling, sticks 'the thickness of your thumb' and then bigger lumps of wood.  The ground rules were very clear and for the most part adhered to.  They have a clear understanding that if they follow the rules they earn the privilege to go again next week.

The Fire was the centre piece of the camp, the kettle was crucial to my well being.

 We could sit around the warm fire enjoying a warm drink.  We will return to the same 'camp' for another nine sessions.  Two of the more experienced members of staff set to work making a 'table'.  I thought they were slightly bonkers, but came to really appreciate 'The Table' when it came to lunch prep and washing up.

The 'sink' was a bucket, set into the table.  This was ingenious and very useful.  The table also doubled up as a cloakroom for hanging coats and bags up.  The children charged around and generally built up hearty appetites.  They ate like Hobbits, snacking regularly and even the fussy eaters suddenly became far less fussy.  They built two rope swings and spent some time working on a shelter.
It was all great fun.  I enjoyed watching the children interacting with us and each other out of the classroom.  They had a lot of freedom.  It was not until I got home I realised how exhausted I am.  I hope the children sleep well tonight, they certainly should.  All I am good for is sorting my own 'brood' out and plodding on with my crochet Ripple Mountain.  Aaah, the power of 'The Great Outdoors'.


  1. Glad all went well and you all came back happy and tired. See you found the way to survive with the kettle :-)
    Put your feet up and have a great night
    Lori xx

  2. Wow, what an adventure. Thank goodness for the fire! I don't know how cold it is where you are but I don't fancy 4 hours outside at the moment!!

    Thanks so much for joining me in the PCH project. I've added your link on my site and I wish you good luck!

    S x

  3. Wow, what a pioneer woman you are! I bet you're tired as heck! I am going to start on a yellow crochet teddy bear for my granddaughter.. :-)
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. OH! You make me wish I were out camping! **sigh** It will be a few months yet before we will venture out. Loved the photos! Thank you for sharing them! :)

  5. what a lovely and exciting teacher you are! and lots of fun in your spotty wellies too :)
    i like the bucket set into the table/cloakroom idea, i must remember that should i get the chance to go camping again.

  6. Sounds like a great day although you must of been finished when you got home, I would have been :)

  7. Hi Lucy, glad it all went so well, wha a wonderful experience for the children. The power of the great outdoors indeed.
    Carol xx


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