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Saturday, 7 January 2012

A Post about Post

I was wondering what to write about today and then I heard the Postman squishing a packet through the letter box.  We do have a 'Mailbox' but for some reason some Posties prefer to stand and squish.  Inside the package was this delightful 'Deep Purple', Hand Painted 4ply yarn.  I really really shouldn't be buying any more yarn, so I didn't!  I am a Yarn Magnet.  Just before Christmas, in a bit of an emotionally turbulent week the 'Yarn Angels' looked kindly upon me and I WON this!  Whoo hoo!  Go me!  It was after a kind Ravelry Friend gave me the 'tip off' about 'Old Maiden Aunt Yarns' group'.  Old Maiden Aunts Yarns is a company in Scotland specialising in beautiful, Hand Dyed yarns and yes, they have an online 'Shop'.  I have enabled you with the above link.
   As the 500th group member I was lucky enough to win this scrumptious prize.  The camera really doesn't do justice to the rich, subtle shades of this yarn aptly named 'Bramble'.  What a treat.  A 'prize' for me, to brighten up my weekend.  I am really hoping that my Mom may knit something for me,...very cheeky of me!  I have just the pattern and it is one that I have seriously fallen out with!  It really beat me.  My Mom's knitting skills are far superior to mine and she actually gets projects completed something I can only aspire to.  My Mom and Grandmother used to tell me as a child 'Lucy, you look like a Maiden Aunt!'  So I feel this was destiny for me!  I have an inspection at work this week so I am feeling rather stressed and preoccupied, it is seriously effecting my craft time preparing for it!  I prefer my head space to be filled with Yarny goodness and fibre filled thoughts.  This yarn made a timely arrival.  Also in the package was something I always wanted and needed but never knew existed!
A very cute little key ring of 'Emergency Yarn'.  I will feel much better knowing I have 'Emergency Yarn' on my person, this will bring me great 'Peace of Mind'.
Hope you are all having a great Weekend thanks for stopping by.  X 


  1. Lovely looking yarn, congratulations on winning it. And emergency yarn, I love it!! Just need an emergency hook now too ;)

  2. Oh yeah, get your mum to knit you a treat from it, that would be even groovier! Hope all goes well with the inspection. x K

  3. I can imagine how much prettier that yarn must look in person! I love dark, cool colors like that purple :) It sounds like it was the perfect gift at the perfect time. The Emergency Yarn is darling as well! What a creative little key fob!

    PS- Best of luck with your inspection! I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors.

  4. That is gorgeous yarn, I love it. :-)

  5. an adorable post as always.
    congratulations on winning such a pretty skein of yarn. the emergency yarn made me smile the most though :)

  6. Oh the yarn angels were really looking out for you Lucy. That looks scrumptious. The emergency yarn is so cute too.
    Good luck with the inspection, I'm sure there's an angel for that too.
    If it happens to be on the 11th this is the quote for that day from my perpetual Angel calendar -
    "We angels illuminate your mind and heart with a big infusion of light. We help you see the Divine truth of situations through the fog of fearful illusion".
    Carol xx

  7. I am very jealous of that wool!!!!
    Congrats on winning it!

  8. Your fun post brought my spirits up. What pretty yarn. Love the little skein/keychain. Enjoy your tomorrow and good luck with the inspection.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. Ooh that yarn looks gorgeous! Well done you for winning it :) I love the idea of the keyring too! Good luck with the inspection later this week - I'm sure you'll be fine :)

  10. Oh wow! Its just soooo beautiful.
    Lovely colour


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