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Friday, 13 January 2012

Paper Weaving 'Play'

On a trip to the Supermarket I found this little pad left on the 'Shelves of Despair' with other reduced items.  For the grand total of 60p I decided it needed to come home with me.  It is a little pad filled with sheets of  coloured paper, shiny paper, pearlised paper and bright patterns like these:

Throughout the week I have been having five minute blasts of fun experimenting with simple paper weaving.  This would be another great craft activity for children.  Very easy to resource and quick to learn.

  I have so far created these:

You can measure and draw out faint guide lines if precision is your thing, but that is not my 'style'!
I have laminated the little swatches and have a few vague notions of what they are destined to be.  For now I am simply enjoying admiring them!  As they have been laminated they can now be cut into various shapes.  I thought about cutting out letters to spell out words, now I think I am going to try and find a simple chicken template.  I also thought about making a 'Love heart Garland'.  I remembered a tutorial I came across for making 'Woven Paper Hearts'.  These little hearts are traditionally Danish and are made for St Lucia's Day which is December the 13th.  Children hang these hearts on the Christmas Tree and they get filled with a Cookie or Sweets.  I read most Danish children can make these hearts easily by the time they are ten years old.  If a ten year old can do it. I felt confident having a go.  Here is a good tutorial At Gingerbread Snowflakes.  I think these turned out quite well after a couple of rejects!
These will make a much better 'Love Heart Garland' from my sons point of view.  I will decorate for 'Valentines Day' and can fill these with 'Sweets'.
I would quite like to experiment with 'Fabric Hearts' too.  I did not realise there was so much fun to be had with 60p worth of paper.  I will also explore newspaper and magazines for paper weaving.  I have been trying to teach myself how to make Chinese 'Lucky Stars' with the intention of making a Lucky Star Garland.  Origami  'Lucy Stars' are described as the 'easiest and most well known of Origami Creations' but so far my 'Lucky Stars' have not turned out to be 'Star shaped' let alone Lucky.  


  1. How clever! The possibilities are endless. Can't wait to see some more creations.

  2. "The shelves of despair." Great name :) Glad to see you've found a cheap and fun pastime!

  3. A heart garland filled with sweets. I'm sure that will go down a storm (certainly would in this house!) love that weaving, what will you do with it?

  4. Wow, you're all set for MayDay.. you can fill each of those hearts with flowers and scamper about to all your neighbors and hang one on their door knob.. ring the bell and run away.. and hide behind something to see their expression when they open the door.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Oh I love the 'shelves of despair' too. (great turn of phrase!)Really like what you have done with your find, those hearts are brilliant.
    I don't know if you have a Primark near you but they have 6m rolls of patchwork patterned wrapping paper, braggins at £1.
    Glad you like my new shoes, your pink boots sound wonderful!
    Carol xx
    Why does my word verification say "winge" - lol - no I don't! Oh I just did...............

  6. ooooh i love the woven hearts :)
    they make me feel nostalgic because i used to make them when i was a child. my dad is a scandinavian mix and my mum is dutch. which means we get to celebrate st.nicholas day, st. lucia's day and christmas day, as well as two birthdays and the winter solstice all in december :)


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)