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Friday, 27 January 2012

Birthday Bloggie and Blog Awards - Yeah!

My Blog is having a very Happy Birthday Week.  It has been lucky enough to have been the proud recipient of not one but two Fabulously Flattering Blog Awards this week.  Blog awards are a great bit of fun and they do wonders for fluffing up the Ego of the average blog.  It is like receiving a sticker at school for 'Good Work'.  They help me to stay motivated and to keep trying with my 'Blog Writing' it is super duper to know that my ramblings are appreciated/ enjoyed by others.   I am very grateful to Hippywitch Crafts for awarding me 'The Versatile Blogger' Award and I would also like to thank Kashi's Corner for my second 'Liebster' Blog Award.  I feel a bit under dressed for a grand award ceremony, so I will quit with the delusions of grandeur and get on with the business of accepting my blogging obligations that go with accepting the awards.

The Versatile Blogger Award may keep me busy for a while....

Here's the rules,

After receiving the award you then need to:
  1. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
  2. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
  3. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
  4. In the same post, include this set of rules.
  5. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.
  6. ooh and forward it to 15 other bloggers.
Seven Random pieces of information about myself, huh, Random is my middle name!  How Random can I be!   I did something similar for My First Blog Award, I will try not to repeat myself, but really my life has not been all that exciting (well not the bits I am willing to share with you!  lol)

1)  My Favourite animal is a dog.  (chickens are a close second, and hamsters and budgies and cats and alpacas.)   More specifically a 'Sausage dog' is my favourite sort of dog.

2)  I am the proud owner of a 'Barking' Budgie!  He is barking mad, but he does actually bark, multiple times a day.  My old Sausage dog taught him!

3)  I have been to quite a few 'Rock Concerts'.  I never grew out of my passion for 'Heavy Metal'.  I can't decide if I would like 'Led Zeppelin's' Stairway to Heaven or AC/DCs 'Highway to Hell' played at my funeral.   I am assuming I will have a while to decide!

4)  My first car was one of these:
A Mini Countryman.  Writing about it makes me want another one.  It was a beautiful old banger!  It had fungi growing around the window and a hole in floor that you could see the road through.  When it failed its MOT the list of faults was tragic.  I miss him!

5)  My Mother was a Music Teacher...but I can't play a note.  I have tried the recorder, the guitar, drums, clarinet and the oboe...all to varying degrees of non success!  To be honest I would have trouble playing a triangle but I can remember being enthusiastic about the tambourine when I was a child.

6)  I once met Van Morrison.
He looked a bit like this, because this is him!

7)  The person I would most like to meet is:

If anyone could arrange it I would be awfully awfully grateful.  I Love Ozzy!  I actually would like to Marry him!  Don't tell Sharon.  Ozzy and I would be a match made in Heaven.  He would fit into this house perfectly!

Blimey that is random!

Now I have to forward 'The Versatile Blogger' Award on to 15 other bloggers!  There are a lot of us little Bloggers out there!

These Fifteen are in no particular order but I do recommend you pay them each a visit.  I am sure they will be very pleased to see you.

1)  Kashi's Corner

2)  According to Matt

3)  Simply Life

4)  Teresa Kasner

5)  A Trifle Rushed

6)  Grateful for Crochet

7)  Lally Lou Lou

8)  Mina and Me

9)  Cherry Heart

10) Smile at the Flowers

11) The Smiling Robot

12) Bunny Mummy

13) Chalky's World

14) Nicole and the Bee

15) Knits and Crosses

The rules for accepting the 'Liebster Blog' award are simple and a great way of networking through the blogging community. You link to the blog that gave it to you. You pick 5 blogs of your choice to pass it on to, (they have to have under 200 followers for The Liebster Award). Share a link to your chosen blogs. Then finally, display the "Liebster button" on your blog. Simples.

My Liebster Blog Nominations are:  ( I have done this once before!  here ) 

1)  Daily Dose of Deuce
2)  Gothy and Her crafty Stuff ( a great new Blog, I love Kat's Knitting and Spinning)
3)  Eggbird Designs (Lovely Knitting and Crochet site and a talented 'new' designer.)
4)  Aurora Blythe ( A very pretty blog) 
5)  Knitting nix (More great knitting and other stuff and to prove I have not fallen out with her over the squidgy Cinnamon Rolls! lol)

If I were you I would bake a nice cake and find some time to relax with a cuppa and your feet up so you can peruse these lovely bloggies!  Enjoy.  X 


  1. Thanks for the Liebster Blog Award! I will definitely be sharing some awesome blogs to pass along awards to as well. ;)

  2. Two awards, YAY! You should have got the posh frock out and the tiara on for this then!

    Love the seven random facts :-) Oh you have to go for AC/DC for the funeral song, much more fun! Who says you have to grow out of heavy metal, I know I won't.

    Lori xx

  3. Congrats on your awards and thank you so much for nominating me :) I am now totally convinced we have not fallen out over the cinnamon buns :D

  4. Hey thanks for that, I'm very proud indeed, happy birthday!

  5. Congrats on your birthday awards, and thank you so much for passing one on to me- that's so lovely of you!!

  6. Thank you so much for my award, and many congratulations on both of your own. I'm so touched that you thought of me!

    S x

  7. Happy Blogging Birthday mate!
    I did not know that was your first car, it was mine too. Mine had 'window boxes' of moss but no fungi!

  8. a very happy birthday to one of my most favourite blogs! it's wonderful getting to know more about the fascinating person behind the wheel - definitely my kind of blogger :)

  9. Thank you for thinking of me and congrats on your awards! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. Happy Blogday! Congratulations on such a wonderful achievement. Your blog rocks!
    Thank you so much for the award, I'm going to have to think about what to write!
    Looking forward to another year of great posts. Jude x

  11. Yay! Congratulations on your awards - they are well deserved :) I loved your random facts....I have opted for some Jimi Hendrix at my funeral!
    Also...thank you so much for my nomination - it's nice to feel appreciated for banging on about random stuff!

  12. Hello, I arrived while Blog-hopping and was interested to see all your crafts. We have our love of Glastonbury in common.
    In fact I can see my house from one of your photos :-)
    Blessings to you and yours, Kath

  13. Thanks for explaining how some of the blog awards work. I am new to the blogasphere and am having great fun exploring it and contributing to it. Blessing to you and yours. <3

  14. Thank you for the award Lucy, very kind. I've done the post (thought I'd already commented here but it was very late last night!) and I think I've followed the rules, now need to work out how to add the "widget".
    Carol xx


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)