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Thursday, 12 January 2012

Get ready for 'Friday the 13th'

Pie Day Friday is cancelled for tomorrow, nobody tries to bake on Friday 13th surely?  I hope you all have a good day  :)  I am busy crafting and hope to get some pictures to show you tomorrow.  I am making progress with my crochet Ripple and trying to spin but my back and knee are rebelling and making it uncomfortable.  I have also been 'Paper Weaving' but want to write a more detailed post showing you what I have been up to.   On Saturday it is the Weaving Spinning and Dyeing Guild's AGM, the first meeting for the New Year.  There will be a members 'Sales' table which is always a treat, with interesting goodies to look at.  Strangely something usually seems to jump in my bag!  Also there will be an informal workshop with 'Ribbons'.  I don't know what we will be doing with them, it is all very mysterious.  I will sort myself some ribbon to take.  I am also trying to resist the temptation of a 'New Project'!
It is a big year for the 'UK' and I wanted to celebrate by kitting the house out with a few Union Jacks, they are slowly creeping in on Mugs and Tea towels that I have bought.  I also want to crochet some bunting!  The above project is a 'Chunky Cross Stitch' kit.  I really fancy it...but absolutely don't need it, it is so pretty though!  It has been a long time since I have done any cross stitch.
Lacey (the dog) is snoring on the sofa next to me.  I took her for a walk this morning, where she did her usual workout, weightlifting branches and chasing squirrels.  If she doesn't go for a walk she nags and makes you feel very guilty that you haven't taken her.  When you do take her she is then so tired you don't know that you have got her.  Today we had the added bonus of meeting an over enthusiastic whippet.  I would have put money on Lacey not wanting to chase it.  She is a grump around other dogs and not at all interested in them.  This whippet must have asked her nicely and she took off after it!  She is a German Shepherd/Rottweiler cross, so not at all light on her feet, she is quite a heavy boned girl, this whippet gave her the total run around and I think she has exhausted herself and may not move until tomorrow.  I may just have to join her.  xxx


  1. i wouldn't have known it was Friday the 13th tomoz if you hadn't told me. my days all seem to roll into to one at the moment.
    i can see why you are drawn to the cross stitch union jack, it is very pretty.

    give lovely Lacy a big hug from me xxx

    lots of love


  2. My youngest is having a tooth pulled tomorrow. When I scheduled it I almost changed it .. lol

    Sorry I haven't been by in a while :). I'm following you on Pinterest now :)

  3. I'm sorry your back and knee are giving you fits. Dagnabbit. But it's neat that you walk with your dog, that will surely help. I have a bad knee on my left leg and a bad foot on my right leg. But I keep schlepping along. Hubby says I toddle. Men.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)


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