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Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Ta Dah 'Par rappa ta dah!' Ripple Blanket!

 Do not adjust your sets!  I have been really looking forward to this post.  It felt like I had bitten off more than I could chew at times.  Completing this ugly ahem unique ripple has been quite a task.  I do love it.  Like I would love a three legged dog or a one eyed cat!  Anyone who knows me would know that means I love it a lot!  It is not everyone's 'Cup of tea' but for months I have become very fond of it, it has kept me nice and warm while I have worked on it.  I have made this analogy before, these blankets are like our children, we all love our own!  I finished it at 11pm last night, sewing in the final end.
Triumphantly I lay it down on the floor to photograph, to 'show off' and I had to laugh out loud in a hysterical, ironic sort of way.  Being the first time I have lovingly 'straightened' the blanket out to view it as a whole, I discovered something I did not know about my beloved blankie!  It is in fact the most fantastic Trapezium shape!  Yep that's right!  Not a rectangle, I squished it for the photograph, I did not want you to laugh at mine or the blankies expense!  Not rectangular but a great fat Trapezium!  Darn it!  Where did those stitches go?  I must have lost some along the way and did not notice!  Doh!  Will I frog?  Will I heck.  I can learn to live with a Trapezium.  It was just a nasty little surprise but now I am over it!  I will be blankies forever home and it will always be loved, by at least one person.  Moi!
Lacey had been for a long walk and was very tired, she would not move for the photograph and her bewilderment at my late night photography is apparent in her expression.  She had just woken from a deep 'Rabbit Chasing Slumber' and I think the bright wavy lines triggered her a migraine!  Jeepers I would just love to have a proud, trouble free 'Ta Dah' moment.  Is that too much to ask?  This is my first finished item of the year and I sincerely hope things improve from here on in!


  1. love your ripple blanket, Great colours, why is it that we have a love/hate relationship with ripples, I started mine finally and froged over half cause i wasn't happy with colours, I'm now thinking shall i give up or keep going

  2. I don't think your trapezium blanket is ugly by any means - I think it is great!! I would love to be able to crochet. Have you seen the weird effect though when you scroll up and down on your page over the photo of the blanket, it makes your eyes go funny - oh perhaps that is just me, oh well lol.

  3. hi again noticed you've become my newest follower, thankyou very much

  4. I think it looks just fine - it's a more masculine blanket in those colours. Also I can't see how it can be a trapezium - your rows all look the same width. Perhaps it just needs blocking?

  5. It grows on you, I wasn't sure it was 'my cup of tea' but the more I looked the more I liked it. Lacey is definitely eyeing it up.
    I've got a trapezium one, made of squares too, don't know how the heck that happened!
    Ripple and granny stripe blankets are great to work on in the winter, they do keep you warm which is more than I can say for the squares I'm making at the moment.
    Carol xx

  6. I love your ripple but I agree - it makes my eyes feel weird too!
    I've been missing mine since I finished it as it kept me lovely and warm in the evenings. Must start another soon.
    Judy x

  7. It is so beautiful- whatever its shape. I really really like it. And I love the colours- such strong colours

  8. That is fantastic! Love the varying widths of the ripples, the colours, everything, even trapezium!

  9. Lovely, those colors really pop on that black, great job! Rectangle or Trapezium matters not, as long as you are happy with it and it is well used and loved that is all that matters! Maybe Lacey likes it too that is why she didn't want to move! ♥

  10. It's a brilliant ripple, and great to see some different colours and effects in ripple form.
    I think it's a real treasure, love the black with the brights.

  11. I like it! It's certainly different to the usual crochet blanket. It looks great in situ on the sofa.I think Lacey may be eyeing it up for a crafty nap one day!

  12. Well done you, looks great! Lacey looks very underwhelmed. I had a rug I crocheted for my kitchen that did that wonky look trapezium thing too and no I didn't pull it out and re-do it, it stayed that way :-)

    Lori xx

  13. I think this looks great, and so its not a perfect rectangle. If it keeps you warm, that's all that matters!

  14. I think your blanket looks great, and you are being much too harsh on yourself! Well done you for sticking with it :)

  15. It is gorgeuos! You wanted it to be a trapezium, didn’t you? So much more practice because you can wrap the broader side around your feet for more cozyness!

  16. I love it! I too have been guilty of dropping some stitches, a friend of mine showed me how to check as your working ripples,ya fold the afghan in half edge toedge and line up your peaks. if the edges seem off you can catch it early.I try to check every few was a great tip since I had just tried ripples last fall.


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