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Monday, 9 January 2012

The Lord Of The Rings!

I went for a walk at the weekend with Lacey and Euan through the 'Shire'.  I tried to get some video of Lacey with a 'branch' unfortunately it seems I only recorded myself heavy breathing for two I will spare you that.  I managed to keep the rusty old shopping trolley out of shot for this photograph.  This place is known as 'Pike's Pool'.  I am not sure anything could live in this swampy muddy mess.  The Pike would probably be radioactive.  Euan wanted me to play 'The Lord of The Rings.'  I was on the look out for 'Black Riders'.
I looked carefully and got allocated the part of 'Gandalf' to play.  I felt very important for about three minutes.
Euan was Gimley the Dwarf.  Lacey was as close to a 'Black Rider' that we got.
Then came my bitter blow.  I was abruptly demoted from being 'Gandalf' and  I was reappointed as "The Dwarf's Fat Mother!"  Charming!  Kids eh!  It is a good job I love him!  He is lucky he did not end up in the stinky water!
On a brighter note I spotted some catkins.  I also spotted some early signs of 'May Blossom' on the Hawthorn Bushes.  Gimley got bored as I tried very hard to photograph them.
I didn't quite manage a good shot here either.  I really need a photography class.  Take my word for it shoots and little tiny buds.  Everything looks prettier in 'the Shire' in the Spring.
This is the River Arrow.  It runs through the town along through Worcestershire and joins up with The River Avon in Warwickshire, Shakespeare Country, 'Stratford Upon Avon'.  I must take a trip to Stratford and get some photographs of Shakespeare's Birthplace to share with you.  It is a lovely place to go shopping too!
This is our local Duck Pond.  It was not a very photogenic day.  We have just had some very wet and windy weather.  Still no 'Black Riders'.  I did spot some new shoots of 'Dogwood' though which looked very bright and cheery.
Do you want to know how I know it is 'Dogwood'?  You can tell by the bark!   We returned home to 'Hobbington' from our adventure, safe and well, even if one of us had a dented ego!


  1. Sounds like you had quite the day tramping about with Evan and your Lacey! I think I will have to agree that Gandalf does a bit more for one's ego. Yup. I agree. I've seen that little hobbit hole before and it is incredible what people are able to do!

  2. sounds like a beautiful day. love the hobbit house

  3. What a good mom you are to take Euen for a hike in the woods. Also it's nice of you to play hobbit with him. I will think of you as Gandalf. I'm looking forward to Spring.. we have had a very mild winter.. the whole of the USA has.. no snow hardly anywhere! I guess it all fell in Alaska. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. The river Arrow holds bitter sweet memories for me, as I would have to run through it on cross country runs from school. But also did my GCSE geography project on it, hmm, sounds like a proportion of my childhood was spent standing in the river Arrow!

    Hobbit holes are a favourite dream of mine, in fact we found the perfect plot to build our own in the middle of the Clent hills, do you think they'd let us! ;)

  5. Lovely photographs :) You live in a beautiful area full of natural's always great to see the first signs of spring!

  6. Sounds like a great time was had by all, even if there was a demotion :)

  7. Love that you and Euan played Lord of the Rings - when my younger brother was little he used to like me to play Billy Goat Gruff with him on the bridge over the burn in the field behind our house - god knows what the farmer thought if he ever saw me trip trapping over his bridge lol. xx


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