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Monday, 10 December 2012

'Rainbows' Preemie Knitting and Crochet Project - A Sad Story To Share

I am very grateful to my parents friend 'Joan' for her beautiful knitted creations that she has donated to the 'Rainbows' project this month.
I really value all of Joan's creations, they are beautifully made but this month I particularly love this pretty little hat that is sprouting flowers.  Somebody will look a real cutie wearing this.
               I do not have much to shout about this month in terms of my own creations.  I have two cardigans in need of completion.  I have been using the yarn that was donated to the 'Rainbows Project' by the Loveknitting Team.  If you need any last minute knitting or yarn supplies before the festivities do pay them a visit.
I have made two simple little cardigans, they need edging and completing.
They have not quite turned out how I would have liked!  I hope they will be some use to someone.  I will attempt to improve the look with the 'finishing off'.  I think I may convert to 'knitting' for Rainbows in future and see if that improves my end product.   This does not appear to look as bad in 'real' life as it does in the photograph!  Honest Gov!  I still have six/seven months to work on Rainbow Projects before I will collate all donations and hand them over.  Please feel free to join me at any time with any donation.
             A couple of weeks ago, I had some very sad news from an online friend of mine.  I asked her if she would mind me sharing her story.  She gave me permission to share her very sad story.  I think by sharing stories and information we can help others, educate each other and people may not feel so alone.  Annette was looking forward to the birth of her grandson.  She lives in the Midlands and her daughter lives in Ireland.  Annette received a call from her daughter asking her Mom to be by her side as the baby she was carrying had died at 30 weeks.  Annette made the journey to Ireland to be with her daughter as she gave birth to 'a perfect baby boy'.  His name was Cory Peter and he weighed 3lb 6.5 oz.  The family spent a few precious hours together before preparing for the Cory Peter's funeral.  Sometimes it seems there are no reasons or no answers to explain a tragedy like this.  It is a very sad fact of life.  My words of comfort seemed inadequate. What can you say at such a time?  I told Annette about the 'Rainbows Project' and I have also 'promised' to make ten Angel Pockets in memory of Cory Peter to help give some comfort to other families experiencing the tragic loss of tiny babies who sadly do not make it.



  1. Another little Angel taken too soon....
    Some beautiful items towards the rainbow project ♥

  2. Oh! Lucy that's so sad......its made me shiver and wonder why this has to be seems so unfair. There is nothing more I can say..!


  3. Hey Lucy.. that is so sad.. I'm sorry. :-(

  4. The angel pocket idea is a lovely way to recognize and honor the life lost but not forgotten, Lucy. Thanks for sharing the story. xx from Gracie

  5. So sad Lucy. So nice to do something in honour of him.

  6. this is so sad dear..i am so sorry:(
    love cucki x

  7. That is so very sad. And no words are right are wrong at such at time, your thoughts and good intentions mean the world though.
    On a happier note, I think your little cardi's are lovely! I love the stripyness of the second one, very pretty. And the little flower hat is so sweet.
    hugs for you

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