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Thursday, 13 December 2012

A Little Something On My Mind...

I have share a photograph of 'My Smelly Old Sausage Dog' before.  Josh was my soul mate.  I had him from a tiny pup and he lived until he was 14 and a half years old.  He was my first dog when I left home.  At home we had two Sausage dogs that were great fun and great companionship for me going through turbulent teen years.  I lost Josh three or four years ago.  I have lost count.  I genuinely think of him everyday and his photograph sits on my fireplace.  I loved this silly old sausage so much and he really loved me.  It was hard work looking after him in his Golden Oldie years but he was such a happy little fella that I tried not to complain.  I used to get up at 5am each morning to carry out his routine.  He was blind, deaf and diabetic for the last couple of years.  He also had a pet stroller for the last few months so he could still get to his favourite haunts and come on holiday.  He had a waggy tail every day.  Lacey arrived in Josh's last year.  He loved her but she really did not like him.
Lacey was not planned...I got home from work one day and she was in the garden.  She is a much bigger dog than I was used to.  My partner knew her owner who knew Lacey needed a new home.  She was a boisterous 7 month old dog with issues and she needed a new home and some security.  Oh yeah, I like a challenge!  I can't believe Lacey is such a good girl these days.  She thinks she is little and she likes me to pick her up and hold her ( I am like an Olympic weight lifter), she also likes to sit on my lap!
             I am very 'doggy'.  I have always loved all sorts of dogs.  Today I have had a cuddle with my Aunts dog, Daisy.  Daisy is little even for a Westie.  She is very sweet and is always very happy to see visitors.  She likes a lot of fuss and is very spoiled.  She has more toys than I have ever seen and she is very discerning in selecting what she like to play with.  I more often than not prefer the company of dogs or chickens to most people!
              My 'oldest' bestest buddy from my school days just so happens to be a dog groomer.  I chose teaching as a career but it was a close call between Kennel Maid or teaching.  For all the red tape in teaching these days I often wish I had gone down the 'Kennel Maid' rout.  Today my friend messaged me.  This is why I now have 'a little something on my mind'!  She has come across a 16wk old Sausage dog, that is in need of a new home and she thought of me!  Eeeek!  I really miss my Sausage Dogs.  I am also rather impulsive where animals are concerned!  Once I have an animal though I have never given one up.  I think I already know the answer. . . but I can't help having the 'Little Something' on my mind.  My partner would despair!  The fourth chicken was nearly 'the straw that broke the camels back'!  A puppy would 'rock our world'!  This 'Little Something' is not yet house trained and is causing chaos in it's current home and has spent a lot of time in a stable.  Both of my boys are 'doggy' too.  They both love dogs and could bark before they could talk.  Henry is soppy with dogs but Euan could put Lacey through her obedience paces when he was about three and half.  He is very good with dogs and they listen to him.  I have a space next to me on the sofa. . . I just need to work out how I can sneak a puppy in unnoticed.  I managed to conceal a chicken for a week!  A puppy may be more of a challenge.  My life has been rather calm of late and lacking it's usual chaos. . . I am already having visions of knitting cute little coats!  It might have to go along the lines of 'Darling. . . you know the new car you wanted. . . well. . .I feel it would only be fair if. . . '


  1. Here I sit with a Cairn Terrier on my lap. Sounds like you need a new wiener in your life. :-) He might like to chase your chickens, though. We had a mini dachshund, and she was very naughty. Her name was Pretzel. I think you've already made up your mind... can't wait to see him/her!
    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉
    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. I am giving this some thought. OH is giving this no thought! It's a 'no'! I do not know if the 'Little something is a boy or a girl' as it's owners are so disenchanted with 'it' it is only referred to as 'it'.

  2. And so the next adventure begins, Lucy. I admire you ability to care so well for the men and beasts around you:) xx from Gracie

    1. Not sure about this one needs some serious thought...if I set eyes on the little something - the deed will be done! The 'men' around here have to take care of themselves but the animals are rather spoiled! xxx

  3. That little sausage needs a home!! Im sure your other half will fall in love with the puppy when he sees it!


    1. It sure tugs at you heart strings. There is nothing cuter than a 'sausage'. I hate the thought of such a young one having an 'unloving' start. Fortunately or unfortunately my OH balances me out...or believe me I would be over run with feathered and furry critters!

  4. Oh how very exciting, I look forward to seeing the new addition to your family soon as from one dog infatuated person to another I feel certain you will be getting said dog :)

    1. I do believe in what is meant to be will be. It needs some careful consideration. As the old African Proverb goes...'It takes a whole village to raise a child'. I need to be sure this could/would be a 'forever home' before I bring chaos into the household. Lacey is sleeping peacefully on the sofa right now. . . :)

  5. You could try what I did. "Last year our anniversary was PAPER, well this year our anniversary is FUR". As the 2nd dog was so similar, it was only when they were both in the room at the same time,that he realised what I'd done Hee hee
    I'm sure you'll sneak a little one in...

  6. Aw....go on....give the puppy a home! You know you want to! I can't wait to see photo's of the little fella :)

  7. Oh! Lucy you are a darling I LOVE your posts.....
    this isn't going to help but I'd just say go for it.......that puppy is so going to have a fantastic family and be loved so much....lucky puppy! I know you are trying to do the right thing and think of your family, pets included but sometimes one can think too much and meanwhile pup is dying to get into your home to raise hell!!!
    OH will understand in the end and I very much like Kath's suggestion LOL!

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  8. What if you just sneak it in,tie a ribbon on it and say Santa left it....surely once he has made eye contact he cannot say no!?! I am hoping my sister never see's this comment as she was trying to convince me to have a dog the other day and I said a big 'ooo NO!!!! lol.

  9. You know the answer, this little dog needs you and there is a hole your heart left by your "soul mate" that needs filling. The 'men' will fall in love as soon as "it" arrives at its forever home.
    Lovely post Lucy.
    Carol xx

  10. Well ..... I tend to agree with you Lucy these things do take a bit of thinking about. Whatever you decide lots of love is being sent to you all. My nephew "rescued" a dog 2 years ago after it had 3 troublesome experiences in different homes. My nephew,like you would never give up on him but to be honest he has put incredible strain on the whole family. Both sets of parents have him to give the youngsters some respite but it is not easy.


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