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Friday, 14 December 2012

21st December 2012 'Beware'

I feel a bit badly drawing over the photograph of this lovely creature.  I think it was February when I went to the Alpaca Convention.  It must be nearly time to go again.  That is if the world does not end next Friday.  I am ready for it I think.  I just need some more Chicken Feed and Hay, the budgie could do with some more seed and the dog could do with another sack of food.  Other than that I will be ready.  I have stockpiled 'Spam' and Corned Beef, I have teabags...I should be fine come the apocalypse.  My Dad assures me there have been four or five 'End of the world' predictions in his lifetime and he is still here.  I am not worrying too much I may quit Weight Watchers for the week though just in case!   I might also sort out all my yarn and I can craft until the bitter end!
            Nothing more has been said about the 'Little Something' so I am not pushing. . . what will be will be. It does tug at my heart strings to think of a Wee Sausage out there somewhere not getting the love it deserves.  'Glutton for punishment' is my middle name though!
             Back in November Steph started The Fifty Book Challenge she has invited anyone to join in and there is a 'Fifty Book Challenge Blog' in the making too.  This is a just for fun challenge, where you have no time limit to read fifty books.  I thought I would join in as I read more in the Winter and probably should read more all year round.  I read some strange books!  Today I have been addicted to A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen.
 It is a true story about a recovering addict and his remarkable 'friendship/love' with an injured cat he found that he named Bob!  It is a heartwarming story.  I first found out about this book on the recommendation of Kath over at Hillside.  I am so glad Kath shared this book as it is too good to miss.
           I hope with the pending Alpaca Lips you are all set to have a fantastic weekend, doing all sorts of things that you enjoy the most.


  1. Hiya,,yes I have also heard the world is coming to an end, so that's why I've been and spent all my money on a mini I pad , on which I am writing this comment ,, yeah,,, I have also seen a review on that book and I was intrigued by it , are you going to post about it on steph's blog , btw I love alpacas

    1. Joan that is fantastic advice...of course we should all be spending all of our money too before next Friday! I am hoping to write on the 'Fifty Book Challenge Blog' and I will post links as soon as it gets up and running. It is interesting to read about what everyone else is reading about! lol X

  2. Hiya gosh that was a quick reply, just been reading your last post on "a little something" I don,t envy your dilemma, I always wanted a sausage dog when I was young ,, I,m sure whatever you decide with be ok , just do whatever you think will be best , try to follow your head not your heart ,, not that it will be an easy decision

  3. I'm getting that book for Christmas and have also bought a copy as a gift. If you enjoy that try Dewey, the true story of a library cat - appropriate for your 50 book challenge!
    Carol xx

  4. You know I love alpacas and would have a small herd of them if we had a good fence around our property. No sausage yet? Are you losing your touch? :-)
    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉
    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. The cat reminds me of Audrey, the cat my husband inherited with the new-used bookstore he owned for five years in up state NY. Audrey loved to drape herself around my husband's neck...and I was amazed to realize my husband liked having her do so! Thanks for the book suggestion, Lucy :) xx from Gracie

  6. Glad you enjoyed that book, both me and the Mr did.

    You would love the wool fair here in Glastonbury, which includes a sheep run down the High street. This year they included Alapaccas and one decided he couldn't be bothered and just lay down in the road LOL

    I intend to spend the "a-pucker-lips" kissing as many people as possible hee hee!

  7. Hi.yup I have also heard the world is coming to an end, so that's why i spent all my money on a i pad bought some new cross stitch charts..I wish I can Stitch them next year..if we have next year ..
    Lots of love for you deary x

  8. 2 weeks ago I bought 'Bob' at Heathrow and finished reading before landing in Philadelphia. Loved it; even my husband read it and we've both watched the YouTube videos.

  9. Haven't read the book but I did meet Bob with James when I was in London in May. If the world is going to end next Friday is there any point in doing the ironing ?????

    Have a good weekend.

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