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Saturday, 6 October 2012

The Crafty Cafe

I have had the perfect start to my Saturday.  I discovered a new 'Spinning' club has started in my home town.  It meets at 8.30am on the first Saturday of the Month in this beautiful little 'Crafty Cafe'.  8.30am is a little early for me on a Saturday.  I did not set my alarm and thought 'If I want to go badly enough I will be awake'.  I am rather pleased I made it, it was a great start to the day.  There were four other spinners and I enjoyed the chat and the spin for an hour.  The Crafty Cafe is a little hub of Crafty activity and runs many workshops.
It was a lovely light room to work in surrounded by pretty 'hand mades'.
I enjoyed the company of the other ladies, it is lovely to chat about spinning, fleece, fibre, knitting and crochet.  There were four 'spinning wheels' in total and I really like looking at other wheels.  My all male household just ain't that interested!  I will definitely be putting these dates in my diary, well worth getting out of bed for on a Saturday morning.  Housework will be on the back burner now as it has put me in a crafty mood for the rest of the day!  I have just cleaned the Chicken Coop though, gotta get your priorities right.  The ladies are very happy and love 'Coop Cleaning Day'.  They come and chatter away, bustling in and out, supervising my work and checking I come up to scratch.  I hope you are set for a good weekend.


  1. I was thinking of going today too, but it was just a bit too early for me today! I'll have to make the effort next month!!

    1. I was half expecting to see you there Claire. It fell into place for me today...don't know about next time... xxx

  2. I wish I had a crafty cafe - you are so lucky:)

    1. It is a great idea isn't it? I wonder why I didn't think of that! :)

  3. wowwwwww so nice..i love it so much..i wish i can have one too.
    love you xx

  4. How wonderful, perfect start to any day and, like you say, got you in a crafty mood. Housework - pah! lol.
    Carol xx

  5. Looks like a great place to start your Saturday :)

  6. Oh my what an absolute divine little place ... I love it!!! I want to have a nose at the crafts they do and pop along to (Have liked them on ol'FB!!)


  7. That's my sort of place.....what fun and meeting up with other crafters as well! That is such a brilliant idea!
    I wonder it isn't packed frequently.
    Glad to hear your ladies are well and ALL happy together.

    Many thanks for your comments on my last two posts :-)

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  8. That cafe looks great and such a good idea!!
    Love hearing about those chickens too ☺☺

    wendy from oz

  9. So glad you were able to go, Lucy! I love getting to fiber craft with others! I am glad your girls are happy, too :) xx from Gracie

  10. That looks like a wonderful little cafe! I can't express how much I wish there was something like that around here! I'm glad you've found something to soothe your crafty female soul, despite the early hour :)

  11. Ooooh that cafe looks lovely! Do they do a nice line in cake? I would love to be bale to go somewhere like that and meet other like minded people! I always worry that I bore people stupid about my hobbies and being able to chat away about the same thing and not be considered a bore would be lovely!
    Glad the girls are happy too! Sounds like you are having a wonderful start to your weekend x x

  12. I love the look of the cafe - it is great to find a bunch of like-minded people!

    Pomona x

  13. Sounds a great way to start the day Lucy, spinning and coffee!

  14. Oh it is early but how fun to have that to do!

  15. What a lovely looking place ^_^ I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  16. What a fabulous cafe! Wish we had something like that around here! :)

  17. So jealous! Dunfermline needs a cafe like that!!!


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