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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Feeling Very Thankful

If you have a parcel arrive with this logo on it you know it contains goodies.  This has to be my favourite logo in the whole world.  In fact I am tempted to get a tattoo!   Helen from '' left me a lovely blog comment on this months Rainbows Preemie Project Update. is an online knitting store that stocks a wide range of yarns, accessories, patterns, needles and crochet hooks...really you are better off going and taking a peek so you can get your letters written to Santa in good time.  I have the terrible 'Wantsies' for this - Louisa Harding Grace Hand Beaded Knitting Yarn!  Pleeeeaaase Santa!  xxx
                  I ordered a copy of this pattern book yesterday:
 I could not believe it arrived this morning.  That is very fast delivery.  I have no excuse now not to get knitting something more adventurous for 'Rainbows'.  Helen also made a generous donation of yarn to the project.  I love the kindness of 'Blogland' and when it creeps into the 'Real' world it is all the more special.

A beautiful selection of 'Debbie Bliss - ecobaby - made with 100% Organic Cotton'.  I love these colours and did not like dressing my babies in 'traditional' pastel colours, I preferred natural colours, denim blues, stone and greys, 'ecobaby' comes in thirteen different shades.  This yarn is 100%  Organic cotton and it is the softest cotton I have ever felt.
Sublime is the right word for this 'baby' yarn too.  Sublime baby cashmere merino silk 4ply  75% Extra fine merino, 20% Silk and 5% Cashmere.  Wow these babies can get really spoiled these days.  This is another beautiful, soft yarn that would also be so warm.  It will be a treat to 'work' with.
I love 'Random Acts of Kindness' and it is so nice to be on the receiving end.
Thank you, thank you, thank you xxx


  1. You have to love those special gifts :) The logo really is cute. Definitely a tattoo option. That cashmere merino silk yarn looks so soft! I'm sure you'll find something wonderful to make with it.

  2. How lovely ^_^ Gorgeous looking yarn!ooo! Now there's a pressie I can get for Mum,she'd love that pattern book ^_^

  3. Oh my goodness.. the book and yarns.. oh yes indeed.. nice things there! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. What a lovely package to is well deserved! The colours of those baby yarns are gorgeous and I think they will look lovely made it into preemie goodies :)

  5. wow what a great parcel you received..have fun xxx

  6. Gorgeous yarn. I think I need to visit that web site!
    Carol xx


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)