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Tuesday, 9 October 2012

'Rainbows' Preemie Project 10th October 2012 Update

I am very happy to be writing the 'Rainbows Preemie Project' update post this month.  So happy I am staying up a bit late to write it!  I will regret the late night in the morning but happy posts just have to be written.  I tweak the 'Rainbows page' throughout the month but write an update/progress report once a month.
          First I have a brand new 'Logo' designed by Euan.  My very own 'Preemie'.  Now he is a big fella and out growing everything really quickly.  He enjoyed designing this colourful logo and he felt it was a very important job.  I think it is rather perfect.
           I am also delighted to share the contents of a package that journeyed all the way across the pond from the USA.  Lacey who writes the blog Minaandme sent me a lovely parcel of 15 warm, little hats.
Five pink, five blue and five white.  I love them.  Lacey also popped a lovely note in the parcel and spoiled me with goodies.  Some gorgeous handmade soap and some pretty crocheted blue bird stitch markers.  Lacey and I have been 'Blog Buddies' for ages now.  Thank you Lacey you are a star!  xxx
              Lacey also recommended the pattern Teresa's Ten Minute Preemie Hat.  They take me about twenty minutes but it is a great little pattern.  Here are some of the hats I have been working on:
  I don't go anywhere without a ball of yarn and a crochet hook.  These work up very quickly and are great to make if I am waiting in the car for children have a spare five minutes.  I really want to start working on cardigans next.
             My Mom's friend Joan has also been busy this month and has kindly donated more items.  Joan's knitting is beautiful and there will be some happy Mom's dressing their babies in these beauties.  They really make me smile:
Don't you just love the little Pom pom and tassels?
The pink flower is very pretty too.  (Oh dear I did not realise collecting 'preemie' clothes would make me broody)!  I must banish these thoughts and wait patiently until I am a grandmother!  I can wait!!!
The little hats have matching teeny tiny cardigans...this cardigan is dinky.
This cardigan matched with the little pink hat is going to make somebodies 'little princess' as pretty as a picture.  It is also tiny and the knitting is fine and lacy.
             As you know I have two boys but I was desperate for 'girls'.  I tried very hard not to be disappointed.  I wasn't disappointed for long and soon got to name construction vehicles and parts of trains.  I can actually dribble a football too.  I rebel in an 'all male household' and try to buy 'pink' things and flowery things.  My partners Grandmother had four boys and was desperate for a girl.  Her fifth pregnancy blessed her with twins. . . boys!  I will stay happy with my two boys. . . twin boys would rock my world!  The dog is female and I also have the 'girls' up the garden to keep me happy!
              Healthy happy children are a blessing.  I know there are some 'Blog Buddies' that have some 'Rainbows' work in progress and I look forward to sharing more over the coming months.  I would be delighted to receive any items you wish to donate or I would love to share photographs of your 'work' if you choose to donate to a hospital local to you.  I am also grateful for any links to useful preemie patterns.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.  The Rainbows collection is growng really well.    XXX


  1. Hi Lucy, great and very worthwhile project. Some really beautiful items.
    Carol. xx
    P.s the little puppy finally found his new home today.

  2. Thanks for posting the link to the pattern, Lucy. I am going to check it out. The items that have been made so far are precious!!! Oh, and I think that Euan's logo is perfect for your project. Well done :) xx from Gracie

  3. wowwwwwwwwwwwww
    a big well one deary...everything is so sweet..
    big hugs xx

  4. Those little pom hats and that pink cardigan are adorable! I love hearing your updates and seeing what all is going to the donation. Thanks for keeping us updated!

    PS- I'm glad you're enjoying your goodies :)

  5. Aw, your new logo looks awesome and the fact that you have got others donating to a great cause is fantastic x xx

  6. So many lovely little clothes! My bundle is growing(I'm a bit ashamed to say Mum has made loads while I have made just a few hats, but I will be adding more, I promise!)Thanks for that link, that will be very handy.Love the logo, very bright and cheerful.

  7. HI loads and loads of lovely items for your Rainbows Project, I would like to contribute, where do we send them to ? Btw thanks for comment on my blog,

    1. Joan thanks for getting in touch. I have put my email address on 'The Rainbows Page' if you click the page link on the top of my blog it will take you there. I would love to receive a contribution from you :) xxx

  8. Hi Lucy, I read this post while away on my iPad - sorry I didn't comment until now - it's way too hard to type on an iPad "keyboard". I'm so proud of this project! Euen's logo is awesome! We're home and I'm plum tuckered out. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. Hi Lucy

    I hope you don't mind me getting in touch. We were reading your blog in the office, and wanted to offer any spare yarn for your Rainbows project if you would like it - a great cause.

    We recently set up a new online knitting store - - and we're looking for a group of experts/passionate knitters to help us build it further. We're keen to improve how the site works, what yarns and needles we have - everything about it really - and we thought we'd try and get a small group of really passionate people together to give us their views. We think we could make a better store together.

    It would involve answering a few questions and perhaps commenting on our new designs that we're working on. In return, we'd get you an exclusive discount code to use on the site - it would give you a 20% discount while you helped us.

    What do you think? If you would like to help, please email at
    Sorry again for the intrusion

    1. Helen, thank you for getting in touch. This sounds like a very generous offer to help 'Rainbows'. I really love your online shop and would be happy to 'help'. You are in good company here if you are looking for Passionate knitters/crocheters. xxx


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)