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Friday, 11 May 2012

What A Tangled Web We Weave!

I have been putting my little Ashford Kiwi spinning wheel through it's paces.  I have been pushing it to the 'Pepsi Max' of it's capabilities.  I am in experimental 'Lucy in The Sky' style territory.  If there are rules, they are there to be broken!  Finally I have made a little dent in my Alpaca stash.  I have realised that if I want have any chance of spinning a 'decent' yarn with it I am going to have to be brutal and lose a massive proportion of my haul.  Just keeping the better quality fleece.  It seems like a terrible waste to me, but some of it has too much vegetable matter in it and I do not have the hours in the day to pick it all out.  I have also only ever spun Alpaca unwashed and uncarded.  The next lot I spin will be washed and carefully carded.  I still have at least seven black bags full to play with!  Tomorrow I am going to Weaving Spinning and Dyeing Guild and I am doing an all day workshop, 'Peg Loom Weaving'.  Well I have a plan.
In among by Gizmos and Gadgets I have an under used peg loom, and the most delightful little 'Owlie' bag.
The pegs fit nicely in the 'Owlie' bag.  I have used the loom briefly at work where as a collaborative project the kids all had a go at weaving a group piece.  We used an assortment of odds and ends, bright acrylic and novelty yarns.  As I say, the loom is under used.  The pegs were too much of a tight fit so Euan has very kindly and diligently filed the end of each peg and now they are a much better fit.  I have done a little bit of 'Googling' about peg looms and know you can pretty much weave anything on them from rags to raw fleece.  I didn't want to buy anything in addition to the too much fleece and yarn I already hoard so the natural conclusion I came to was to prepare some of my 'Free' Alpaca.
I have literally chucked it through the wheel and made some Super Duper Ultra Bulky 'Yarn' as I Navajo Plied the already thick singles.  The little 'Kiwi' groaned under the pressure.  My Other Half came across a ball of the said yarn today and said 'What the Hell's that!  It looks like a creature!'  It does as well, it reminds me of that episode of Star Trek with all those 'Tribbles'
I wonder how they will weave up tomorrow?  I will of course be back to update you regarding my adventures.  Beam me up Scotty!


  1. Too funny. Have fun tomorrow.

  2. Good luck with that fleece and have fun at your day event! Oh, and thank you for saying that your yarn balls look like tribbles :) They truly do!

  3. I am very fond of Tribbles(: And since I know nothing of peg looms, it will be fun to see how the Tribbles are transformed...or transported?

  4. Poor little Tribbles might not like to be loomed.. :-) You all must laugh a lot at your house, you have such a great sense of humor. Can't wait to see what you make.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. The tribbles was may favourite Star Trek episode when I was wee! Glad to hear I am not the only one with too much fibre and fleece and too little time!

  6. how I love to read your spinning and weaving posts (and chickens and food and family posts) bated breath here.

  7. Hee, hee, hee!! Never come acros Tribbles, but I think they are very good likeness to your chunky alpaca. Have great fun at Guild.

  8. tribbles! haha we had a guinea-pig named tribble :)

  9. But what sweet little creatures they would be :-) I have no clue about spinning, all my wool comes from a shop and I know nothing of it's life before that. That's bad isn't it?!

    Have fun with the wool,
    Lori xx

  10. Yes Kirk had a hard time dealing with those loveable fur action are doing reruns of the Original and Next Generation.....time to beam up Luce and go where no crafter has gone watch out for the Klingons..........!

  11. 'merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream' spock(hehe) star treck v the final frontier

    thanks for your visit :)

    hugs xxx

  12. I love the little owl bag, looks like you have been having fun!

  13. Ha ha ha, love your yarn and yes it looks exactly like a Tribble ( I loved them and of course Captain Kirk!)Can't wait to see your weaving.


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