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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Beware of the Ginger Ninjas!

Enter those who dare!  This is the sign on the gate to the Chickens half of the Garden.  I love it!  I don't worry about the neighbour's cats, there are three or four that show regular interest in the chooks.  They come in to the garden but have so far not got too close.  I am sure three chickens could kick a cat's butt!  They regularly have a good peck at Euan and can actually hurt.  They peck my Mother and they occasionally give me a nasty peck on the back of the legs when I am not expecting it.  They are very worthy of this sign!
                They eventually came out to play at about four yesterday afternoon and seemed none too worse for their trauma.  They were very nervous at bedtime going back in their coop, I helped them each to bed by giving them a shove!  Never mind pushing an elephant up the stairs!  You try getting a reluctant chicken into it's coop.
They stuck together in numbers, I rarely photograph three Hens in one picture.  I am pleased to report three eggs were collected this morning too.  The neighbour has had his fence repaired and my Ginger Ninjas are safely in bed.  All is well. . . . . 


  1. Ginger Ninjas....Love it :)

  2. I have to live vicariously through you and your chickens. We are going to DC in early June and will wait until we return to get going on new chickens. I'm wanting some Cuckoo Marans - they lay dark brown eggs that look like a chocolate egge. And Ameracauna for the green eggs. Thanks for sharing your girls with us.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Love that sign. Glad the chickens are secure, they did look very concerned but 3 eggs must mean they are getting over whatever upset them.
    They are lovely girls.
    Carol xx

  4. Glad they're over their traumatic experience! Love the sign ... enjoy your lovely eggs again, love Claire xxx

  5. LOL! I love the sign...reminds me that I have to put one up that I bought back home in Australia few years ago...anyway, glad to see your chooks are feeling better!

  6. That made me roar with laughter! Thank you for putting a smile on my face. Glad to hear that the ladies are back on form.

  7. Who needs a guard dog when you can have 'ginger ninjas'

  8. LOVE the sign!! You take them out Ginger Ninjas :)

  9. Glad they are feeling a bit happier! Lovely to hear all about them.

  10. fab sign! :)
    honestly, i know where to come when i need to smile.
    keep safe, sweet chickens x


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