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Monday, 15 April 2013

Hello Strangers

It has been a long time since I have blogged.  Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana or something like that anyway.  I don't really have much to say at the moment but I could just waffle on for a while and see where it gets us.
       The sky is blue, the sun is trying to put in an appearance and I can hear the blackbird "Making a noise that is too big for itself".  That quote is from an Audio book Euan has enjoyed this week. 'Stig Of The Dump' by Clive King.  It was one of my favourites when I was about Euan's age.  Stig Of the Dump was ahead of his time and a master in recycling and upcycling, in spite of the fact he is a caveman lost in time.  I told you I would waffle. . .but there really is a blackbird singing his heart out.  This morning I saw a sparrow looking very pleased with himself.  He had a beak full of . . .chicken feathers.  There will be some cosy nests around these parts!
       On the matter of chickens. . .I have been very very tempted to get more.  'No' it is not practical but 'oh' they are funny.  On the school run today Euan asked me 'When can we get more feathers'?  he made a Freudian slip there. He meant 'chickens'.  Of course we would not get so attached to our next 'flock' of 'egg producers' we are now hardened to the world of 'Poultry Farming'.  We know animal = food.  We would not endear to their over enthusiasm and little bright beady eyes, we would not become mutual friends, we would not talk to them in silly voices like they are babies and hold clucky conversations, we certainly would not give them pretty names, we would not get to know each of them for their own personality quirks, we would not refer to them as if they were family...our sisters, our babies. . ., we would not sit hugging a chicken in the garden or let them climb on our shoulder and they certainly won't get first pick of the fruits and vegetables in the garden.  It would be straight down the line Chickens = eggs.  Anyway for now 'No more chickens'!  Twould be madness.
         I have undertaken another 'new' fad during the last two weeks.  I have a 'Juicing Machine' and I know how to use it!  Every day for a fortnight I have been glugging my way through 'raw juice'.  I have read all about the benefits of consuming raw vegetable and fruit juice and for now I am hooked and feeling some benefits.  My 'breakfast' will typically consist of 4 sticks of celery, three handfuls of spinach, 1/4 of a cucumber, a carrot, 2 Apples and a slice of lemon.  That lemon is a god send.  I have just had a Pear and Parsnip Juice.  It sounds wrong but tastes right.  The kids will drink the 'fruity' juices and I will try and sneak a vegetable in there but they are not sold on juice just yet.  I have had some disasters and learned early on that Broccoli juice is gross!  Generally the greener the juice the healthier it is for you, of course though such is life, the greener the juice the nastier it is to consume!  'Crapple Juice' is tasty, Carrot, apple and lemon.  Cantaloupe and Carrot is also delicious.  This link will explain five health benefits of Cantaloupe.  You can google this information for all sorts of herbs and fruit and vegetables.  Celery is very healthy and neat celery juice is not bad.
         I feel like I have waffled quite enough now.  I could waffle a bit more though.  I think if you have read this far you have done very well and I should give you a break.
         I hope life is treating you well.  XXX  Lucy     


  1. Its so good to hear from you ... and I loved reading every bit!!! xxx

    1. Thanks Mel, I was really happy to read this first comment. :) xxx

  2. WooHoo. Love hearing from you and reading. I am a great waffler myself.

  3. Hi There, Welcome back!!!It's good to hear from you again!!! I also went through the "juice thing" but sadly now my "juicer" is not so popular!! Fruit prices have gone sky-high here and truthfully, it has become unaffordable!!! SAD!!!!!

    1. I am juicing as cheaply as I can. You can juice home grown, or imperfect fruit and vegetables. I use a lot of celery, apples and carrots they are affordable. Food prices in general are sky high! It is a worry. The idea is the money I would previously spend on junk food/processed food/take away food I now spend on juiceables! My shopping trolley looks a lot different and my kids look dismayed! lol xxx

  4. I am a devoted fan of my juicer. Glad you are enjoying all the benefits. I don't particularly like crunchy veg and salad, buy Kay said try juicing it!
    Spirulina is really nutritious, but like you say, green often equals YUK LOL

    1. Hiya Kath, I am not sure about 'Spirulina' yet...well I am not brave enough. When you google it you get a guy with a blue mouth and tongue. He put me off! xxx

  5. Hello Lucy! Great to see/read you!!! We too have blackbirds singing their feathers off, and I just LOVE it. It is a sound I wait for, every year. DH saw the first bumble bee of the yr :)He is currently between jobs and so is working on our extension. We have sunshine & warmth but gale force winds. Never tried any mixed juices,but they sound healthy. Hugs xxx

    1. There is a lot of reading material about juices, but they are incredibly healthy and worth giving it a shot. I hope the extension is coming on well and not get blown away! xxx

  6. Hi Lucy. You can't beat a good waffle. As I type mammy blackbird is having her evening bath in the back garden. I also love the way they dig out my flower bed onto the path. I just wih they would put it all back when they are finished.

    1. Chickens love Landscape gardening and they don't put things back or tidy away. They do have their own ideas about what the garden should look like though! xxx

  7. Waffle is wonderful and waffles are tasty!?! No idea what the heck that is all about.....getting me to the point of saying...I like this post ^_^ A lot. Stig of the Dump is very cool. It's absolutely the law to talk to animals in silly voices, cuddle, feed them treats, and be generally silly about them(she says in a hopeful kinda voice when thinking of herself with a certain pig!) Juice sounds amazing and fun. I hope you come back and waffle again soon...or as it's also known, just ramble, talk, chat, because you have a lot of fans/friends here ^_^

    1. I know you are a fellow appreciator of waffle...I am beginning to appreciate just how much waffle makes the world go round! xxx

  8. Lovely to hear your waffling - keep it up:) x

  9. Welcome back for a hi-ho, my friend! If you do get a couple of chooks.. try to find some that are a year old so you get eggs right away and you don't have to baby them through for months. Our blue egg layers started laying just a few weeks after we got them. Come see my blog.. lots of tulips, it will make you smile. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. An amazing 'Tulip' post with stunning photography as ever. I am so glad I popped over and read your post. Really joyful. xxx

  10. Hellooooo, to my mind there is nothing like Mother nature to make you feel better. Mr Blackbird was singing in the tree when I was hanging out the washing today, I warned him there would be no more suet pellets and mealworms if he pooped on it!
    Carol xx

    1. When the Blackbirds aren't singing they are fighting. I admire your spirit bargaining with the Blackbird like that! Does it work? Is your washing poop free? xxx

  11. So lovely to hear from you deary x

  12. Hiya Lucy , gosh I can,t believe I almost missed your post , I was just about to log off and there you were , good to have you back ,great waffle Thankyou , the sun is great isn't it , maybe summer is on its way

    1. Hiya Joan, thanks for the waffle compliment. xxx Summer sounds a bit 'Mythological' doesn't it?

  13. I am happy to read anything you write about. You even make juicing fun and interesting. Take care my friend. XOXO

    1. Kashi...I think you would like juicing. I think it might make you crochet even faster! ;) xxx

  14. That was a very good waffle, Lucy! Thanks for posting....and the warning about broccoli juice :)

    1. Gracie you made me already knew about broccoli juice surely? lol Broccoli is so good for you though! It tastes much better in loads of cheese sauce rather than juiced. xxx

  15. Love having you waffle and so glad to see you here ☺
    Juice of so many types is great, must get my juicer out again as boy do I need to get healthier!!
    May your days be filled with good things ♥
    xo wendy in oz

    1. Come on Wendy...get that Juicer out, you know you want to! xxx Yum...broccoli and Cucumber juice! xxx

  16. Am I the only one that laughed at Crapple Juice?

    1. Nope, Crapple Juice s funny especially when you are giving it to kids! lol xxx

  17. Hey lovey! Great to have you waffling away - I love the way you write, it's as though you are having a conversation with yourself in your head! Bring on more waffling x x

  18. Great to see your post! I have been missing your "voice." Love waffles... not sure about juicing, tho.

  19. absolutely loved this post, lucy! i am reminded of all my resolutions, following the loss of one of my beloved pups. when i lost our kairn terrier sophie, eight years ago, i pledged to never own another dog. one month later i was the new owner of two little yorkipoos named scarlett and teddy...or should i say they were the new owners of me. i remember telling them, on the first day i got them, that maybe i would love them, but they could never be my best friends. i explained that sophie would always be my best friend and they would just have to accept this condition. the next day i said, "fine. i guess you can be my best friends too." i have a very bad track record regarding resolutions. blessings to you and yours lucy. ~amycita~ ps...perhaps you should check out my blog again. my latest post is called "FLAT STANLEY VISITS AUNT AMY, OR WOULD YOU ENTRUST YOUR CHILD'S CLASS PROJECT WITH THIS WOMAN?" i think my run in with a goat will make you laugh.


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)