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Sunday, 24 March 2013

The Perfect Little 'Pick Me Up'

I have found it easier the last few months to just focus on my own 'Little World'.  It has been a challenge to look on the bright side.  I am lucky to have friends and family who listen and put up with me.  Today I had the pleasure of meeting this little man for the first time.  The perfect 'Pick me up'.  He is just two days old and is my friend Sarah's first child.  Sarah and I have been friends now for over 16 yrs.  We met each other at work, when we both worked with adults with Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviour and we have been buddies ever since.  Sarah is a great friend to my boys too and I know she will be an absolutely fantastic Mom.  I have called Sarah in 'emergencies' and she has always been there for me.  This little boy has been long awaited.  Haydn.  I think he is adorable.  My friend Sue came with me to the hospital, sue and I have been friends for 30+ years.  Sue, Sarah and I have got together the last couple of Friday nights and put the world to rights and laughed a lot.  We tried not to make Sarah laugh too much though as neither Sue nor I have natural midwifery skills.  We have watched the bump grow and sympathised with the swollen ankles and the almost constant need for antacid.  It has been an exciting build up waiting for this little fella.  Isn't life amazing? beginnings and we never know what is around the corner.  Seeing this precious little boy has made me so happy and a tad bit weepy!  Ah come on this is me we are talking about!   I wish this little fella a happy, healthy life and I look forward to all the snuggles in the future.


  1. They say old wine and old friends are the best :-)
    How lovely to have a brand new little baby to watch as he grows up.
    Glad you are coping and being supported by friends and family x

  2. Babies always put life in perspective I think, as do good friends and family. Wine helps too of course! Hope you're keeping warm and not too damp and looking forward to the Easter break. x

  3. What a gorgeous little boy. Glad your family and friends are supporting you,
    Carol xx

  4. New babies always show us how precious life is. Good to hear from you. XO

  5. Hey Lucy.. so good to see you pop by to say hello to your bloggy friends! What a cute little guy! I'm glad to hear your friends and family are helping you through this rough patch. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. Hi Lucy, Aaaahh, He's so cute!!! I don't know why, but babies have the ability to make you feel so humble and to make you realize how fragile life really is!! Enjoy him and I am glad to see he's your little pick-me-upper!!! Happy Easter to you and your loved ones!!!!

  7. New life! So glad you have him and family and friends to enjoy now and to cherish for as long as possible, Lucy. Having little ones near me is more often than not a delight and helps me find interests and perspectives that are refreshing,
    Blessings to you and yours and love with hugs from me to you,

  8. He is beautiful ... Congratulations Sarah!!!
    And Lucy do know that I am always sending you little virtual hugs!!!


  9. Aww he is so cute! Give your friend my best, hope she & baby are doing well & hope that you are too :-)

  10. A new baby is wonderful, such a cutie too. Love to you all xoxo

  11. I'm sorry to hear it's been some rough times. But I'm so glad to hear you have some great friends that help you laugh and feel better. BIG HUGS coming your way.

    He looks like the perfect pick me up!

  12. ahh thanx lucy, thats lovely x love you x x sarah x


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