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Saturday, 20 April 2013


Today I have had a busy one.  I have decided to write it like this. . . 

It must have been the warmest day of the year so far
Blue sky and sunshine
Day 2 of Juice Fast
Youngest has a day with his Dad
I give the oldest a lift to work
Drop 3 black bags to the charity shop
(Come on...where does all this crappitty crap keep coming from)?!
Found three fantastic juice books, one fabulous crochet doily,
One quirky colourful, ethnic embroidery 
and a new version of Checkers. . . with a twist.
Great work from 'The Angels of Thrift'.
Went to the farm shop and Display garden/garden shop
Bought tomato plants and a pot of peppermint
some nasturtiums 
went into large farmshop
Not a great idea on a 'Juice Fast'
Behaved like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory
Olives, crackers, fruit, vegetables, cheese, salad, yogurt, dates
I had forgotten how good the farm shop is
Came home unpacked all of the goodies
Put wellies on and made the dogs day by telling her it was 'Walkies'!
Went for a long walk in the sunshine with dog.
Spring has sprung.
Listened to birdies, admired the new shoots and soaked up the sunshine.
Tried to train the dog to 'stay'...hilarious!  
Came home, ate cake...yeah on a juice fast...I forgot to tell you about the Farm Shop cake
soooo good after a long dog walk.  Gooey Chocolate Tiffin!
Repent...get the lawnmower out
Mow the long grass
Notice more new shoots
notice Celandines in a clump on the lawn
Cheery blooms of sunshinieness
Admire newly mowed lawn
Youngest returns
Visit my parents
Leave youngest with Grandad, Me and Mom visit my Aunt in hospital
(My Aunt is not well at all at the moment but she is on the mend)
Come home then go and fetch the oldest from work
come home again. . . envy the dog snoring soundly, sprawled on the sofa!
Play checkers. Lose!  To an 8yr old and yes I was trying my hardest!
Feed the Bob the Budgie some nice new seed and change his water giving him Malvern Spring Water!
No wonder he chirps so much!
He also had some 'Lambs Lettuce' from the farm shop...he really liked that!
Watered the plants in the greenhouse with my 8yr old Garden Manager.
Watered the seeds we have sowed in the garden.
Come in find matchsticks to prop eyes open.

I do like a busy day like this.  I am sure I would have time to fit 'chicken buddies' in there somewhere. . . 
Hope you are having a good weekend. :) xxx


  1. Sometimes busy days are the best ☺ Would love to see pics of Bob the budgie ♥ Good your Aunt is on the mend.
    The farm shop sounds like somewhere I would love to go and purchase lots of goodies lol.
    take care Lucy, your boys and pets and family xo

    1. Bob the Budgie is about 8yrs old now. He does not like his photograph taken. (I will try though, we could do with a recent mugshot for ID purposes. . .just in case I leave a window open)!!! He is a Little Bird with a Big Attitude. He has a large cage like 'Beckingham Palace'. He likes to be the loudest in the house. He shouts, barks and talks. Sometimes when I collapse in a chair exhausted. . .I hear his 'little voice' it is very cute. . .he will say 'ello Bob' or 'alright Bob' and then he will chunter away to himself like R2D2. I like budgies. . . can you tell? I had a dream this week where I had a Hamster and a Guinea Pig. I woke up ready to go and feed them. . . then reality struck. . . :( No Hamster or Guinea Pig! lol

    2. lol bob sounds wonderful, I use to have a budgie decades ago.
      I often try to coerce the local cat to hang out in our yard so I can
      pretend it is mine lol

  2. Well, I just read about Flat Stanley's Visit with Aunt Amy [I know I am behind the times...sorry] At any rate I put in a good word for you to have FS as a visitor because I know you would be a perfect hostess for him , Lucy. He would fit right in to your busy schedule, and I dare say your sons would enjoy showing him around as well :-)

    1. Do you know Flat Stanley's template is on the Internet. We could have some fun with this. Surely everyone needs a 'man like Stan' in their life? xxx

  3. You sound like a whirlwind of activity! I'm sure you could fit 2 chickens in there somewhere. We have 6 now.. but one has gone broody and simply will not stop sitting on the nest.. we're getting very unhappy with her. She's our Buff Orpington.. want her? Come and get her! LOL! Hugs the boys for me from Oregon. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. The Queen Mother ate Buff Orpington eggs for breakfast...sounds like they are as rare as Hen's teeth around your place. I love Buff Orpingtons. There was a place near hear that sold Buff Orpington Bantams. Now they are cute, half size Buff Orps. They have stopped selling them now :( xxx

  4. My oh my - I'm exhausted just reading it. Good luck with the juice fast. x

    1. I think it will be a miracle if I complete a juice fast sticking to the 'rules'. . . lol I aint cut out for the word 'fast'! xxx

  5. Hi There, You're a Mom!!! Isn't this just a normal day?!!!

    1. Exactly what I thought! I would like to have the time to list a few 'normal' days like this! It is amazing what you do/deal with. I missed loads of the real boring stuff out! Load washing machine, wash up, dry up, prepare food, wash up, dry up some more, get washing out, stick another load in, dry clothes...fold, sort and put away laundered clothes. . .in putting away clothes find more clothes all over bedroom floors! Clean bathroom, empty bins, chuck ball for dog! Life goes on don't it? XXX

  6. I wouldn't have been able to resist the cake either. Chocolate is good for the blood though, so it is ok, right? I can justify anything. XOXO

  7. Hi Again

    I have just read your lovely words over on my blog - I'm glad you liked the necklace - it was a pleasure to make it for you:) I'm trying to give up bread now but I'm not sure about fasting - take care:) x

  8. What a busy day ... and so productive too!! Today is my houseclean day ... and its turning into a spring clean, just done the conservatory ready for the summer, can't wait for crochet time sat in there with the doors wide open!! x

  9. Crikey - I'm exhausted just reading that! Glad you had a productive day.....makes me feel really lazy though. Hope you get to enjoy your goodies from the farm shop :)

  10. A lovely day to be sure. Like you, I love days like that. I often think "no-one would want to read about that" and yet, here I am enjoying yours LOL

  11. I think having lots of things to do at the weekend is the best - although it is nice to have a lazy day as well of course....

    Liked the sound of the Tiffin...must find a recipe I think and make some!


  12. Hiya Lucy , yes goodness me , I,m also exhausted with just reading about your busy day , thanks for sharing it with us

  13. Good to see you back hun x Make sure you have a bit of a rest! The nice weather makes it much better I think x


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)