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Thursday, 25 April 2013

Who stole my week?

I can not believe how the weeks and months are rolling on by!  It is ok though because I am just hanging on for the ride and life is good.  My crafting Mojo is yet to return.  It has not left me altogether, my head is full of 'crafty' stuff.  Not a day goes by without daydreams that contain brightly coloured yarn!  I may have to timetable crafty stuff into my day because it really does make me feel happy to make and do.  I have a crochet project to finish, a knitting project to finish, mountains of fleece to spin and in my decluttering exploits I unearthed some really cute vintage fabric I have had for 20+ years.  It was vintage when I got now it must be approaching antique!   Life is about doing more of what makes you happy and less of the stuff that makes you unhappy, right?  I will have to stop thinking and start doing. I am going to get stuck in to spinning some gorgeous black Alpaca fleece.  I have been been feeling the love for my spinning wheels again and they look lonely and neglected.
      I also need to find more time to read especially as my Blog Buddy  Joan has sent me 'The Secret Scripture'.  Joan volunteers as a 'book giver' for World Book Night.  Isn't that a great idea?  You go along and pick up your books and then it is your job to 'gift' them out to people.  I have told you before about The Fifty Book Challenge.   I think I have read a grand total of three so far!  I have already asked if I can cheat and include 'Mr Men' books and Ladybird books.  I can manage books with more pictures than writing at the moment.  The rate I am reading I will be 50 before I complete the 50 book challenge.   Joan has sent a copy of this book to those of use taking part in the challenge and we are going to do a 'read along'. Timed perfectly for the Bank Holiday Weekend.  I have visions of me getting so far behind in this read along!  Reading the blurb it sounds like this book will be 'my cup of tea' (especially if the sun is shining and I can get some peace in the garden);

"Nearing her one-hundredth birthday, Roseanne McNulty faces an uncertain future, as the Roscommon Regional Mental hospital where she's spent the best part of her adult life prepares for closure. Over the weeks leading up to this upheaval, she talks often with her psychiatrist Dr Grene, and their relationship intensifies and complicates. Told through their respective journals, the story that emerges is at once shocking and deeply beautiful. Refracted through the haze of memory and retelling, Roseanne's story becomes an alternative, secret history of Ireland's changing character and the story of a life blighted by terrible mistreatment and ignorance, and yet marked still by love and passion and hope."

In my 'former' life I used to work with adults with 'Learning disabilities and Challenging behaviour'.  They had spent their adult life in institutions.  Many large 'hospitals' were closed and the clients were moved into 'care in the community homes'.  Much smaller and more homely homes.  This was a really positive and progressive change.  Some of the 'carers'/nurses moved with the clients and would talk about how things worked in the larger institutions.  The move to smaller 'homes' greatly improved the quality of life for many individuals.  In the larger 'hospitals' patients slept on wards, often clothes, linen etc were communal.  ( I would not like 'communal clothes' I like me own thanks).  In smaller homes each client had their own room and their own possessions.  Each client had an individual care plan that catered to their individual needs and preferences.  Staff saw dramatic changes in the clients as previously medication was used over zealously as a regular/daily form of low maintenance 'behaviour management'.   It kept individuals passively subdued.  I worked with some clients that were in their sixties or seventies.  I was told a story about one of the ladies that I could not verify...but she was supposedly institutionalised for getting pregnant out of wedlock she spent the rest of her life 'in the system'.
         There was a move away from the terms nurse and carer, the term enabler came into use.  That subtle shift in language created a subtle shift in thinking.  To enable somebody to achieve things that they could not achieve on their own is so much more empowering than simply 'taking care of them' and doing everything for them.  (I had no idea I was going to waffle this much again)!
          I think I will enjoy this book, it is already making me appreciate the progress society has made within the field of social care.  I know there is always more progress to be made.  It makes me think of this quote by Gandhi;

"A nations greatness is judged by how it treats it's weakest members".  



  1. A thought provoking post, Lucy! I have not heard of the book. My husband and I were involved in a small five bed eldercare facility for three years. It was a good experience and we came to appreciate the smaller care facility approach although many of our residents had to go into a skilled nursing facility when their medical needs were beyond our expertise.
    Happy Bank Holiday :-)

  2. I'll tell you what Gracie, I will send you this copy of the book when I have read it. I will also send your long overdue 'Tea Swap'. Carework is very challenging and controversial. . . like many other things it boils down to money all to often, it is also the attitude of society and individuals though too. I am trying to convince my boys that they will be the ones to look after me, but they do not seem that enthusiastic. XXX

    1. How kind of you, Lucy, but maybe too, $$?? Don't feel badly if it is, I don't know. At any rate, I so appreciate your generous thoughts!! Living with my daughters and their families is great fun so far [you can tell your boys...maybe they will have a change of heart :-)] xx, Gracie

  3. An interesting post Lucy. I worked in a home for the elderly when I was still at school,
    after school, weekends and anytime during holidays and it took me back. I still wonder about
    some of them whom I am sure could have been treated a lot better.
    May the sun be shining in your day.

    wendy in oz

  4. We dealt with all four of our parents over the last several years being in different situations before their death and I learned a lot about the end of life. I also worked in an assisted living facility as the activities director. The circle of life is the hardest at the end. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. I read something similar to this but I can't remember the name of the book. So interesting and I wonder how much our attitudes have really changed in practice.

  6. Hi There, I am so lucky to still have both my parents and both still able and sane, But this is not something that I like to ponder on at all. I know to many people with really bad experiences, both in and out of care facilities!!! I will say my prayers everyday for the good health both my parents are enjoying!!!

  7. Hiya Lucy ,lovely post Thankyou , I,m sure your craftyness will come back when you are ready , thanks for the plug and I look forward to reading everyone's thoughts on the book , roll on the bank holiday , your former life ?


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)