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Thursday, 18 April 2013

This gave me a chuckle so I had to share...

This feels like a quick, cheating sort of post.  Sometimes I discover things and I just have to share.  This gave me a good chuckle this morning.  I hope it makes you chuckle too.

'Fireflies and Tuna Cans' Blog - Flat Stanley Visits Aunt Amy

Stan and the canon!  Stan and the goat, I can imagine Auntie Amy getting a panic on at this point!!  Stan in the window seat looking as proud as punch and then Stan in his artists costume.   I want 'Flat Stanley' to come and visit our house.  Stan is definitely the man.  I like the concept of travelling Teddies too and garden gnomes that travel the globe.  You can read Here: About Garden Gnome Liberationists .
    Thank you.  That is all!  :)
Lucy XXX


  1. Really cute and funny! Yep, goats will eat just about anything. I'm glad my travelling friendship cluck Blossom didn't encounter any, mind you the school kids in Florida were more than enough! My pal Sam said she was covered in paint(washable)! Thanks for sharing xxx

  2. I am waiting on Flat Stanley to arrive here in Dublin. He is making his way from my Nephew in North Carolina. Looking forward to our adventures.

  3. Those are cute! I have thought of taking my Maggie Maria bunny with me wherever I go and get photos of her in front of cool places. I'm glad to hear from you and that things are getting better for you every day.. We're here for you!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. lucy, you are the BEST!! i had been getting a bunch of traffic from your site today, so i decided to visit again. i was SO delighted and surprised to see flat stanley!! not only did it make me extremely happy to know that my post amused you, but i am deeply touched by your generosity! i couldn't imagine a better endorsement than yours. thank you, lucy...truly. amycita xoxoxox

  5. Hi There, Cute!!! My little miss J has a "Pillow Pal" who shadows her everywhere, not just travelling but also from room to room!!!

  6. Hillarious!! Oh such a laugh lol. Not the goat though, oh dear....
    I have a niece (38) with a bear from birth who has "wee bear" travel with
    her, even had me make a few outfits and was the entertainment whilst she was
    in Italy lol.
    wendy in oz xoxo

    1. well, the funniest thing about the goat incident would undoubtedly, be my horrified reaction! for a moment i seriously considered climbing into the pen to wrestle flat stanley away, but i was outnumbered by the goats, by about 20 to 1. lol! anna is actually my great-niece, and her mother had told me to make sure i sent flat stanley back to school on time, because anna is a worrier. all i kept thinking was how i was going to explain that, while flat stanley was in my care, i had allowed a goat to eat him. talk about worrying!!! the goat stood in the middle of the pen, (probably wanting to distance himself from the crazy lady shouting at him) and i could see flat stanley's little arms and legs hanging out of his mouth. gah!!! fortunately, anna found the story amusing, and i believe that MY adventure with flat stanley will be more interesting than any of the other families' stories, wendy. :) can't wait to hear what the teacher says.


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