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Tuesday, 16 September 2014

While I Continue To Tink...

Could you all just amuse yourselves please, while I continue to tink.  Re 'tinking' see previous post.  Tinking is a bit like taking one step forward and two steps back.  Tinking is like trying to wade through treacle.  Tinking is trying, to say the very least.  I am not happy in my tinking and I am doing a lot of it!  Maybe knitting is not for me for a while.  My little mind wanders, oblivious to what the pattern tells me and before you know it I have 'freestyled' 1000 stitches!  It is a wonder I have not knitted a granny square on auto pilot!  At least I now know who the recipient of this jumper is going to be.  I think it is for my grandson, for his eighteenth birthday.  I am hoping by the time he is 18, he is a 'small' fella for those are the instructions I am following.  There is no pressure for time as in fact my grandson has not even been conceived yet, let alone born!  I do not like working to rapid deadlines, you have to take all the knitting and tinking into consideration with the time estimates.

I have nothing to show for my tinking, the progress is all spiritual!  The patience of Job springs to mind.  So in the absence of a 'newsy, crafty post' I will share this unscheduled post about goats.  Why not?  These are actually our holiday photos!  My ten year old took a large quantity of goat photographs, I think the first one is great.  I would like it on a T- Shirt with the slogan 'You gotta be kidding me!'  
The goat I tried to photograph kept being silly.
Goats are very playful.

These lucky goats could play indoors or outdoors.

Goat milk is good for making delicious cheese (I do not recommend a Goat Milk Latte, Bleurghh!)

This was the 'Shop'.  I wish I could shop here all the time instead of doing battle at the supermarket.

These sausages cooked on a camp stove were great, well worth the very, very long wait to cook them.  There was an empty pig pen and these are pork sausages.  We did try goat sausages, but my ten year old found that upsetting!  I am concerned with how meat gets to our table but when you have to look the meat that you eat in the eye, a vegan lifestyle seems appealing.  The ten year old has concluded it is ok to eat animals you do not know, sadly I think it is the opposite.  It is easier to eat animals we do not know.

Very nice sausages even if I do wrestle with my conscience.  

I better go.  'I tink therefore I am.'  There is tinking to be done again before progress can be made.  I wonder when/if I will learn?


  1. Such a sweet post..sending you hugs my dear xx

    1. (((Hugs))) back, thank you is that goat's eyes, so sweet. xx

  2. Thanks for the goat milk latte warning, were very brave to try it, I think! xx

    1. Gracie, Teresa must have some tips regarding Goat milk and coffee. I suppose you would get used to it if you tried hard enough. A bit like knitting! xx

  3. Oh how I loved the photos of the goats! Did I ever tell you that we raised Nubian dairy goats for years? We raised the kids on goats milk. I'm so glad to see you blogging again!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I did know you were an experienced goat keeper. You never know one day I could be writing to you for goat keeping advice. For now, it is a life of tinking and dreaming! xx

  4. I love the goats! One of the training providers I visit for my students runs an animal care course, and they have two hilarious, cheeky goats. Just try walking past them without saying hello - they go crazy!!

    I am a vegetarian, have been for almost 40 years, as I know I couldn't kill something then eat it. My mother fretted that I would "fade away" but haven't managed to yet ;)

    Good luck with the tinking, your post reminded me why I prefer crochet!!


    1. Goats are amazing characters. In the top photo I like it because you can really see the eyes are a 'window to that goat's soul'. He/she? was such a kind, intelligent and happy animal. When you start to 'communicate/relate' to the animals we eat it takes eating meat to the next level of consciousness. I am not here to preach or judge, I am only here to ramble my thoughts and opinions for what they are worth. As far as global sustainability, global/local hunger, the economy, the environment and animal welfare go...we should all have a tink/sorry a think about what we are happy to consume. If I had to kill my own food, I would be a vegetarian. Thank you Helen for reminding me...I tink I prefer crochet too! xx

  5. Oh you certainly can make me smile here Lucy and so glad to be able to visit again. Love all the goat pictures lol
    and as for taking time, my grandson will be 2 and I just finished a minion I started before he was one and it was just a small
    item so take all the time you need xoxoxoxo

  6. I love goats...I do not like tinking...or frogging though! Mum is very good at "fixing" knitting so I let her tink! ^_^ XOX

  7. Bimey, I thought had misread the comment about your grandson for a minute there....glad you clairified it! The goats are gorgeous, and your t-shirt idea is awesome, so in the words of Capt. Picard - MAKE IT SO! Hope the tinking is done with soon x

  8. Our next but one neighbour has 2 goats, 6months old. I've been to feed them but they weren't very keen on my cooking apples. I'm making an Attic24 Neat Ripple at the moment (GGC No. 4 due in November) You don't need to concentrate too much which suits me.
    Carol xx

  9. Nice cook pot Luce have got one of those to.... noodles get a bit sticky though :-)


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