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Monday, 1 September 2014

Share A shirt In September...Go on, you know you want to.

Well, I can hardly Adam and Eve it, it is September the 1st already.  One son has started college the other is back to school on Wednesday.  Shoes?  Check.  Trousers?  Check.  Blazer?  Oh good grief he has grown, new blazer purchased today...check.  Haircut?  No way Jose!  I have a full 24hrs for further arm twisting to get us to the Barbers.  I think we are as ready as we will ever be.  Now that brings us round to 'shirts', oh yes it does, nicely.  

Over at 'Chalky's World' Linda has been having a very thoughtful think.  If you click on the 'Share a shirt' link above she really does explain it all far more eloquently than I can.  Basically you have a rummage in the back of your wardrobes and find an old cotton shirt.  Any old shirt.  You then post it to Linda and Linda will upcycle the shirt into something beautiful to be sold for charity. I don't think it gets much easier than that.  I nearly found my way to Narnia in the back of our wardrobes and found one measly white shirt.  Bah!  I think it means actually we are all wearing our old ones!  I didn't want to get shirty about it so I popped myself off to our local charity shop and found a shirt that was crying out to be upcycled.  I was not spoiled for choice, I only saw two possible candidates, if in doubt 'pick the one with sparkles and beads' I always say.

I know I cheated a bit but it is a win win situation for 'charity'.  Eh just while we are on the topic, how hard is it to find 100% cotton these days?  Pretty hard I think. While we follow Linda's blog we will be inspired with practical ideas for how we can re-purpose perfectly good material from clothes that have maybe seen better days.  When Linda has a good idea it is a really good idea.  
Are we supposed to say 'White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit' and turn around for good luck on the first of the month?  I know in my school days it was a 'Pinch and a punch for the first of the month', some of them pinches and punches were delivered with too much gusto and could smart a bit.  It was a hard knock life, with not many white rabbits worth chasing!  Now I am off...humming original tunes from the old classic 1982 movie 'Annie'.  I hope September is a good one and I hope you manage to find Linda a shirt.  ;) xx 


  1. such a sweet post and very lovely shirt..
    hugs x

  2. OOOH! Good shirt choice. I bet that can be made into something amazing!

  3. What an awesome idea! thanks for sharing and thank you for giving me a new song to have in my head! Random outburst about building a snowman were beginning to scare people! ^_- XOX

  4. I hope to have a shirt flying her way tomorrow. xx

  5. Sounds like fun and like your shirt I am away a bit this month but have done some of my own sewing ☺


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