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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Nemesis and Hunt The Thimble

  This photograph makes me laugh with it's unlikelihood.  The kitchen table.  The Iron and the Sewing Machine together in one shot, (and a Basil plant).  I got the ironing board out today and the dog ran away.  That is how accustomed she is to me ironing.  I think the ironing board is older than me though and it does open with an ominous creak and clatter.  I can count on my fingers how many times I have used the sewing machine and I have managed to break a needle already.   I have decided this machine has to be called 'Nemesis'.
         I had the brainwave that 'Napkins' for my trusty 'Picnic Basket' would be a good beginners project to teach myself how to sew.  With the help of the foolproof diagram that is actually printed and numbered in sequence on the machine, I can 'remember' how to thread her up.  Sometimes I could just lie down and quit at this stage though.  Threading a machine/needle can be as lucky as a 'hole in one' and then there are times when you really would think it would be easier to get 'a camel through the eye of the needle'.  I think I may need an eye test, threading a needle is getting increasingly challenging over the years. NB:  I have found the light!  On the sewing machine.  It makes threading the needle a lot easier! Tut!
 These fat quarter bundles found their way into my basket. I thought sewing 'napkins' would be 'a breeze'.   The penny has finally dropped about 'sewing'.  Measuring and ironing can outweigh the actual sewing part in time consumption.  Nobody told me that!  I spent hours measuring, pinning and pressing a 1/4 inch double hem on each napkin.  (I don't even know what quarter of an inch is as I am fully decimalised).  Ironing can be quite good fun when it is in preparation for sewing and the material is pretty.  Work clothes and school uniforms are almost impossible to iron.  Nemesis is allegedly capable of sixty different stitches, I am still at the stage of praying for mastery over just one of those stitches.
I would like to be able to show you six completed napkins, I really would.  This 'simple little napkin project' is dragging on a bit now.  I am not brave enough to machine sew the trim on each napkin.  It would be futile to try as I cannot even sew in a straight line.  The trim is to hide the 'bad bits' on some of the napkins on the others the 'bad bits' are already sufficiently disguised.  I decided Napkin No. 1, needed to be 'double trimmed' with ribbon and ric rac.  The ribbon has the white stitching already on it which kind of gives the illusion of some straight lines to the napkin.  Hand sewing never entered into the plan at the the start of this simple 'learn to use the sewing machine' project.  I really needed to use a thimble to help me sew through a double layer of trim and a double hem.  (Ouch, one finger is still recovering).  I found my silver thimble that was my grandmother's 21st Birthday present.  In fact it is my only thimble.  It makes sewing a lot less painful but much more awkward.  I think my grandmother was born in 1902, so it is an old and much loved thimble.  I last saw it a couple of days ago!  I found Euan wearing it. I took it off him and told him it was very old and I would not be happy if he lost it. I have not seen it since.  We are on Half Term break here for the week and today will include housework, a 'game' of 'Hunt The Thimble' and hopefully some more sewing later. . .


  1. Oh my ... I am braving my sewing machine too ... brought a pattern, now need to get material and all the other needed bits and bobs!! Now thinking perhaps I should start with something simpler!! x

  2. Good post Lucy , I,m sure with practice you will overcome your nemesis, good luck with hunt the thimble

  3. I know just how you scares me silly the thought of changing the stitch on my new sewing machine (actually 5 month old now) its taken me ages just to be able to thread the thing ,understand how to put in a spool and machine sew a seam. If I change the stitch I might lose the one I know.....dilemma!!!
    Got to just keep at it I suppose and one day the penny will drop....I hope.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  4. Hi There,Practice makes perfect!!!One day you'll be looking back at this post with a great big smile and total disbelieve!!!!Sincerely hope you find the thimble!!!

  5. I have a total love hate relationship with my sewing machine. I have been told I need to dominate it more. Ummm! I have no idea how to do that.
    I really do forget about our relationship and start a project with such enthusiasm and then it happens. We hate each other all over again. Actually I am making a pile of bibs right now and I am actually winning this match but the worm will turn!!
    Thanks for popping over h Chalkys and leaving a lovely comment

  6. I totally enjoyed your post-gives me pause to think how easy it is for me-I learned to sew as a young child-my first project was sewing up all of my shorts and pants for camp. Mom helped of course-lol
    I grew up sewing all of my clothes, my mom excelled as a seamstress-she made her entire wardrobe and even made men's suits for my dad. I haven't sewn clothes in ages though-and am not skilled at all the techniques needed-but I still have my sewing books and you tube is an excellent source too-do enjoy the process though-hugs
    I love your fabric! Kathy

  7. Gorgeous fabric! I salute you for tackling Nemesis! I do give up at the threading stage and lay down and wail like a bean-sidhe! It is not a good sight! Or possibly it may be hilarious to onlookers!! I am loving what I am seeing so far! keep making them, they will look gorgeous. Ah! My Thimble went missing the other day...I thought the Borrowers may have snaffled it!
    sending hugs ^_^

  8. Hi Lucy... I am proud of you for challenging yourself. I am amazed, actually, that I was able to sew my little bunny dress on my new vintage Singer, Minnie Bell! I adore the fabric you got for napkins.. I'd love some just the same. I use fabric napkins all the time and just love how "green" it is to not use paper napkins. I hope you find your thimble.. what a treasure to have your grandmothers sewing aid. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. That fabric is lovely! Im getting better with my sewing machine, can now (usually!) thread it up without too much trauma. But Im still a bit nervous. Much more practice needed.


  10. You've made a great start, such lovely fabric! I've found if I don't use my sewing machine for a while it takes me a while to get going but the results are worth the trouble.

  11. First of all I will address what makes single player card games so enjoyable.
    LOL Coaching

    blade and soul gold


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