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Friday, 31 May 2013

Colourful Crochet

Things have not gone to plan this week.  We have had a wet Half Term week.   It means cabin fever creeps in and the floors get muddy.  We have been quite happily housebound.  When we have popped out we have got soaked for our efforts.  Today it is sunny with blue sky.  The chickens are on the lawn as even they have been cooped up for a few days.
         'Every cloud has a silver lining' they say.  While I was tidying, ahem, well attempting to tidy but there are too many distractions.  I found the thimble, it was in the vicinity of the sewing box.   We like thimbles back in their rightful place.
I also found a whole pack of 'Rico Creative Cotton' that had fallen behind a cupboard and been long forgotten.  So the housework got forgotten too and I played with colourful yarn instead.  It was a nice, neat new pack but I forgot to photograph it.   I still have plenty left to play with.

   I have wanted to explore crochet mandalas and had a go at Crochet with Raymond's free pattern for the 'African Flower Mandala'.  I think my colour choices were adventurous to say the least.
I followed this tutorial from 'Beckycafe'  the other Mandala.  Mandalas are the perfect procrastination project.  They are quick, cheerful and if you use 100% cotton they make functional pot holders.  I think there is something kaleidoscopic about them, as I was unsure what effect the next round of colour and stitches were going to have.  ( I still have all the ends to sew in but shhh don't tell anyone).  If you search Google images for crochet Mandalas there are some amazing ones out there.  You can get lost for quite a while just looking.          
          The following collage should probably carry a health warning.  Due to the shocking colours, the mismatched stripes and the not very round Mandalas, it seems to be triggering motion sickness for myself if I stare at it for too long.  I don't recommend scrolling up and down.  The 'stripes' are washcloths, you can't beat a 100% cotton, crochet wash cloth in my humble opinion.
Wet holidays are not all bad.  I really should go, too much yarn and too little time and a laundry mountain to tackle.  XXX


  1. how lovely! you could join them all together, make a poncho and wear it to Glastonbury! My neighbour has something along those lines, which we are all coveting!

  2. what a fun bag to have found! I love the colors too, I think my favorite one is the oranges yellows and green. I the suggestion from Kath above-these would be great colors for a poncho, and I read somewhere awhile back that they are back in popularity again-I always loved them

  3. Love the colours, cheer up any wet day.

  4. Hi Lucy.. I'm soOOoo glad you found grandmother's thimble! It's GORGEOUS! I was so enamored of it that I went over to Etsy to see about a silver thimble and found one with a sailboat on it, and bought it! I did not have a nice thimble.. but now I will.. soon! I love all your colors, eye-popping, they are! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Can I come and look behind your cupboards please? Lovely things ... So happy to see you using such bright optimist colours

  6. the Mandala's are gorgeous, the colour combo's are fab, the brighter the better! I see what you mean about the scrolling, it really does make you dizzy!

  7. Lucy, just found your blog and am so delighted! Love your crocheting, colors and the thimble! It is esp. Wonderful since it was your grandmas ! I just love mandala's and do color them a lot, never thought of crocheting them but will give it a try! I also collect thimbles and have several from my grandma! I live in Missouri US and we too have been having lots of wet weather, tornados last nite, but none touched down near us! Have a great day and take care. Cynthia

  8. What beautiful colours it what was a dull week weather wise!! You brought the sunshine with your crochet!! xxx

  9. Hi Lucy,What a fabulous find!!!Both the yarn and the thimble!!!That is a great looking thimble indeed!!!Love the happy colors!!! Have a fab week!!!

  10. Brave of you to tackle a Mandela , they looked great and well done on winning the hunt the thimble , we have had a few wet days in France so your are not on your own ,all the way to France for rain , oh well

  11. Beautiful beautiful beautiful!! I love the colours! I love mandalas ^_^

  12. Loving the colours! We had sunshine for most of the half term week....hope your weather gets better soon, and that you create even more beautiful things with your refound stash x x

  13. I loved that Rico cotton, should get some more.
    I have a very similar patterned thimble, been using one recently as I had a nice hole in one finger,
    Carol xx


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