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Thursday, 16 May 2013

Too Eggciting!

I was not really expecting an egg any time soon although Euan and I have noticed the 'girls' have suddenly grown up in the last week.  Instead of being nervous they have been coming out of the coop with a 'swag on', hens with attitude. Their combs have really grown and are bright red.  I also heard their first proper 'cluck' this week and it was rather noisy and assertive.  I went up the garden last night with a torch to say goodnight and fox proof the coop for the night.  These girls have high security living conditions!  I shone the torch into the nest box to complete the head count...yep both chickens present and correct and an egg!  It is very exciting to find the first egg, well I think so anyway.  It was a very small egg but none the less an egg.  'The Egg' is the one on the left next to a commercial egg,  Euan couldn't quite believe me this morning when I woke him up and showed it to him.  He shot out of bed, donned his dressing gown and wellies (rather a good look) and ran up the garden.  He was delighted to find two more eggs.  Chickens are the perfect pets with benefits.


  1. Aww so sweet..
    Enjoy your day x

  2. Well done chucks! Eggs back on the menu ...

    Love Claire xx

  3. Lovely. So glad Evan is loving having chickens again

  4. Congrats on the eggs! I can SO relate! When I got my first aqua egg and the dark brown one.. I was so eggs-cited! Have you visited my blog lately? :-)
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Woop Woop - how exciting - when I first started reading I could not stop thinking about the chickens in chicken run, its made me quite cheery x We are thinking about getting some chickens so i may just need to pick your brains x

  6. Aw brilliant! Well done those chuck chucks.
    Carol xx

  7. Ooh enough eggs for breakfast this morning ... mmmmm scrambled eggs!! Enjoy!! xxx

  8. Oh that is eggciting Lucy bet they taste fantastic!

  9. Thanks for sharing the excitement, Lucy....I love the description of Euan's impromptu expedition :-)

  10. I think I may have already got eggcited about this! But i will again anyway ^_^ Hope you get lots more.

  11. that is soooo sweet!
    happy for yous two and your chicks!

  12. I think they are almost too pretty to eat!

  13. So exciting Lucy and so glad to be here seeing the eggs. ☺
    Lots of catching up I must do as away from reading any blogs for 2 weeks.
    Back from holidays and will have an enjoyable cup of tea or 2 reading.
    Melli Moo was very happy to get my tea and mittens in the grand tea swap xoxo

  14. Eggstra special! :-) How fabulous, Lucy! lots of love Laura x (

  15. I am soo glad you have your hens back again and they are laying for you - nothing has the taste of 'home laid eggs'... yeah.. my girls seem to be 'batch' laying eggs at the moment, nothing one day then about 15 the next! ha ha all that hard work and we eat in moments -
    from TracySC

  16. OH wow, that seems really quick Lucy! My friends chickens didn't lay for ages, was this quicker than your first lot? You'll be having lots of scrambled eggs & omelettes now :)

  17. Aw. bless him! Glad your chickens are so happy and already giving you eggs :)

  18. Olá,
    Agora já sigo o teu blog.
    Passei para conhecer o blog e adorei as postagens.
    Convido vc para conhecer meu blog, aguardo tua visita.


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