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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Care Instructions

I spotted these labels and  had the 'wantsies' very badly.  I ordered them from Leafcutter Designs and they arrived today.  I think they are very cute.  I just need to work on acquiring the woodstove.  If you follow the link you can read about some very interesting projects for environmentally friendly clothes.  Sadly the large majority of my clothes are mass produced.  If I could only wear hand made clothes I would look like a sack of rags as my sewing skills are non existent.  I made one skirt at school, many moons ago and it was not even wearable.  I used a rather nice herring bone tweed.   I miscalculated the waistband somehow and had great trouble sewing the 'darts'.  I also hit my finger a few times with the machine needle and that hurts.  My machine sewing days were over before they even began.
      I saw this photograph over at Paloma Textiles, I think I could rustle up this sassy little crochet number.  I have always had a secret yearning for a pair of Granny Square trousers.
      I also love the work of One Man Crochet, you should really check this blog out.  Matthew is obsessive about crochet, by his own confession.  He runs a social crochet group in Cardiff and used to teach crochet lessons.

I think you either love or hate this look, personally I love it and wish everybody dressed like this.  I am sure it would go down a bomb in my home town if I stepped out wearing a Crochet Ripple tunic with Granny Stripe trousers.  The odd flip flops and the yarn bombed staff do it for me too.


  1. What fab pics - I wish I saw people out and about looking like this. I recently became hooked on the Great British Sewing Bee - my eldest son (20) sat down with me and said "I would love to be able to make my own clothes - how useful would that be!" I told him I had a sewing machine buried in my wardrobe and seemed genuinely interested. Then again the thrifty student was probably talking. Great post x

  2. I **LOVE** seeing these guys dressed like that and know they made their own... I think all of us knitters and crocheters need to make fun things to wear. I wear my colorful shawl every time I go out.. and I wear my own hats too.. you should post that photo on facebook and I'll share it. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Aww I love these pictures amazing xx

  4. Fantastic labels! And those granny trousers, fabulous! Makes you smile doesn't it! Laura x

  5. Oh I love the dress sense ... I think we should all step out in a complete crochet outfit!! x

  6. Hi There, It certainly is very colorful,but no thank you,not for me!!!
    I do love crochet though and I do love OTHER people wearing garments like that - I think it's FAB - but not for me!!! I'll stick to my hats,scarves,gloves and shawls,thank you very much!!!

  7. Fabulous pictures! I love it when people don't give a monkeys what other people think and just wear whatever they want :) I am sure your sewing skills are much better than you think too.....Thanks for the links and also for sharing the labels - you have given me the 'wantsies' too!

  8. Oh Lucy that outfit is brilliant...........a little OTT for my tastes but I agree the yarnbombed staff is gorgeous! ☺


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