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Friday, 9 September 2011

Shock Announcement!

This is the last delicious Steamed Suet Pudding with Homemade Raspberry Jam that will be passing my lips for a good while!  After puffing and panting up hill and down dale during my Summer Hols I met a few of my Demons and I came to a few conclusions!  I will be trading the pudding for more more of these:
I have not weighed myself for about three years!  Silly Billy!  It is now official I have done something that I have resisted for so long, I have joined 'Slimming World', my target weight is about 2 stone over what I weighed the last time I jumped on some scales!  When I reach that target I will still have about 3 stone to lose!  That is pretty heavy!  No wonder I have been puffing and panting.  Where did all that weight come from?  Aaah!  Must be the love of baking.  Hopefully I can still blog delicious recipes but they won't cause a cardiac calamity.  Today I have been busy making 'Low Fat' Turkey Burgers, and 'Sin Free' Meatloaf to put in the freezer.  Henry said "But Mom you won't be you, if your not. . . . . . "   "Not what,  Henry?"  He was actually gonna use the 'F' word!  Euan doesn't quite know what has hit him as we went out yesterday me walking and him on his bike and today I left the car behind for the school run and carried his scooter when I went to collect him.  He loved scooting home, while I puffed and panted behind.  Day 2 of Diet   Healthy Eating Plan, I am not seeing any results yet!!!    


  1. I followed the dukan diet last year (October - Dec24th) and lost 1 1/2 stone, I lost a further 1/2 Jan/Feb . So far I haven't put any weight back on! (I did adapt it to contain more fruit, I can't manage on protein). I do recommend it though because the weight lose is quite rapid. (I'm 2 dress sizes smaller - it really is noticeable)
    Good Luck! You can do it!

  2. Changing eating habits is hard sometimes. I'm working on it myself...I just keep telling myself that not only will I look better, but I'll feel better too! There are so many good things about being healthier! Best of luck with your new goal!

  3. Good luck Lucy, I'm sure you will make your target. Looking forward to your new recipes............. but that pudding does look tempting!
    Carol xx

  4. Good luck! I am a life long Weight Watchers member, it always works for me! You will start to feel better so soon too.

  5. Best wishes with your eating plan!

    You know, I remember some of your recipes here being quite healthy ones, so youve not been totally bad. All that fresh produce turned into various salads and stuff looked yummy.

    You'll have to make lots of heart but low-cal foods for winter time like soups and stews :)

  6. All the best with your healthy eating plan :) Slimming World is great. I am currently on Weight Watchers so we can cheer each other on. xx

  7. wITH you all the way Lucy, me too. Win is y demon so not had any this week. You are right, not a diet a forever eating habit. Well done on the first step.

  8. That salad look's absolutley delicious!! is that mango i see sliced up? yum yum good luck my lovley xxx

  9. Good luck with the healthy eating/lifetstle changes :) I'm sure you will see results very soon x x

  10. I meant to add....I have a hill near me that you can walk up ;P

  11. aww.. that Henry, bless him. what a lovely son.
    that steamed pudding has sent me into relapse though.


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