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Monday, 12 September 2011

Healthy Progress report!

I didn't bake home made goodies  baddies to take to the Guild meeting this weekend.  I made these 'Mini Fruit Kebabs' to take and share.  They do look pretty on the plate and they did go down very well with everyone.  Me and diets healthy eating plans just don't seem to get along.  I am on day five and it feels like year five!  It is like trying to quit smoking.  I have been crabby with a capital 'C'.  If I have not lost a pound this week you will hear my tantrum!  What makes it worse is I know this has to be long term!!!  I read somewhere that psychologists reckon it takes 66 days to change a habit!  Just another 61 to go then!  


  1. the secret is to keep a a fridge full of healthy munchies, such as fruit kebabs and veggie sticks and hummous (very nutricious)that you can eat when you feel a crabby attack coming on. i usually maintain a very healthy diet. i was brought up on one, my mum did all her shopping in wholefood stores and grew all her own fruit and veg. my nan kept goats, bees and chickens in the garden of her london semi. it was just like that t.v. programme 'the good life' at her place. anyway, due to this freakishly healthy upbringing i never needed to think about dieting until a couple of years ago when i ended up partially invalided (and haven't helped things by having an accident this year)and found it much more difficult to excercise, i also started to crave cakes (my one weakness) and fruit crumbles, particularly in the winter months. i now only allow myself to bake cakes only once a week and encourage my family to eat most of them before i can get to them. but sometimes i'm too quick!
    i wish you luck with your plan and am sure you will soon feel the benifits outweighing the difficulties (says she craving for a slice of lemon drizzle cake). a naturopath told me that sweet cravings are really cravings for fruit and that we should eat loads of it. i do, but i still want cake as well.

  2. Right with you still Lucy. I have NO willpower and think tha one day of healthy eating should result in weight loss.
    As for my scrumping, I am on house watching duty while they are away and I swear I only took hurricane falls (4) but I agree I need to fess up and make right this life of crime. Cue jar of chutters on the doorstep.Hang in there Lucy. Mini crunchie bars satisfy my cravings and are 2 ww points.

  3. Good Luck Lucy! The fruit kebabs look delish.
    I only really have 1 problem and that is, every bar of chocolate I buy actually winks at ME!!

  4. Hang in there Lucy, I am finding sticking to WW particularly difficult at the moment, I swear I can here the kids treats whispering my name from the kitchen :)

  5. Keep up with the good work! I am sur eyou will have this whole thing cracked in no time...and instead of having a tantrum you can wow us all with your progress :)

  6. You can do it! It sounds like you're off to a good start :) Those kebabs look tasty! Keep up the good work!

  7. The kebabs were very nice though I am very sorry you won't be bringing us your lovely biscuits...

  8. It isn't easy and I do feel your pain. I seem to do 7 days good and then 7 days really really bad! 66 days huh... I may have to give it a whirl myself.
    Best wishes to you.
    Jane X

  9. You are wonderful -- making that is much better for everyone too. Good on you, my friend! Now if I could only follow suit. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. The fruit kebabs look amazing! I would be happpy to eat them... I'm trying to get to the healty side too!!!
    Good luck!

  11. Lucy, the fruit kebabs look soooo delicious. And at least you didn't go on a course to make Cake Pops (1,000+++ calories, I think!)
    Thanks for your lovely comment!

  12. Those look fab!!! I'm trying to eat well and man it's so hard!!!

    Good luck sweetie with the non smoking, 66 days feels like forever here :) lol.

    Thank you for stopping by I'm your newest follower :)


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