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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Woolsack - Malvern Autumn Show

"The Woolsack in the House of Lords

The Woolsack is the seat of the Lord Speaker in the House of Lords Chamber. The Woolsack is a large, wool-stuffed cushion or seat covered with red cloth.

The Lord Speaker on the Woolsack

The Lord Speaker presides over debates in the House of Lords, but does not control them like the Speaker in the Commons, as Members of the Lords regulate their own discussions.
If a Deputy Speaker presides in the absence of the Lord Speaker, then that individual uses the Woolsack.
When the House of Lords is sitting, the Mace is placed on the rear of the Woolsack, behind the Lord Speaker."  (taken from:
"It was introduced by King Edward III (1327-77) and originally stuffed with English wool as a reminder of England's traditional source of wealth - the wool trade - and as a sign of prosperity."

"Woolsack is part of the Cultural Olympiad.  The project enables anyone to contribute to making a cushion from British wool. It is intended that these will be given as a personal welcome gift from the people of Britain to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic athletes."
 (Taken from:

This all sounds very exciting.  I mentioned in a previous post here: How to prepare raw fleece that I had an old colleague that given my Mom and I some fleece, previously he had been burning his fleece as it had no value, my Mom and I have manged to spin some of it and it has been nice to work with a local resource that would otherwise go to waste.

However I believe this year has been the first year in many that British wool has started to make money once again for British farmers.  It is a terrible shame that the British Wool industry is not thriving as in this country there is such a fantastic variety of quality fleece that can and is being produced.  Many Craftspeople do want the choice and are willing to pay for it.  Hopefully projects like the 'Woolsack' ( will go a long way to promote British wool.   I am feeling quite excited as I have manged to volunteer myself and my Mom ( That's another Fine mess I have got us into) to demonstrate working with 'British Wool' at the 'Woolsack' Stand on Saturday:
An eclectic mix of country pursuits, inspiring displays and unique shopping,
there is something here for everyone.

From delicious food halls with celebrity chef demonstrations to a spectacular
RHS flower show, world of animals and giant vegetable competitions,
the Malvern Autumn show brings together everything we know and love
about nature at its finest.

I have no idea what to expect, but I am excited!  I will be taking some fleece, a trusty Spinning Wheel, a spindle, some Hand Carders and a crochet hook.  I will probably spend more time chatting than doing!  We will also get time to view the show, so I may ease off the shopping this week as I am sure to find some tasty Autumnal delights to fill my basket!  I feel like I really have to make a cushion too...something else to add to my list of projects.  I am planning a plain Tunisian Crochet Cushion.


  1. Loved the history and photos! Wow, I'm proud of you that you're going to demonstrate spinning! I've done that several times in several places. The most interesting thing is that the men ask how the wheel works and the women are interested in the fiber, feeling it and what to do with it. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. You're demostrating spinning? WOW! That is awesome, I bet you get loads of visitors watching you - you may start a new trend! Have fun....and try not to buy too many things ;)

  3. They were burning wool?!?! Craziness. Glad you are doing something with it!


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