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Thursday, 15 September 2011

It's Official - I'm Warped!

I really can't believe it is the middle of September.  What a year, already!  Phew.  Today I thought I would share another product of my yarny divergence.  I fibbed a bit I am only partially warped!   I hope to be fully warped over the next couple of days.  Last year I bought one of these from a charity shop:
I was lucky enough to buy it for £1.00.  It was priced up at £2.00 but I bought it on a 'half price special' day. I think these little looms are great.  I loved playing with it and was amazed at the unique beauty of the fabric I could make.  Every sample I made I would would love a suit made out of it.
It took just a couple of hours to make a scarf.   Not to everyone's taste, but I loved it.
This warp was a mixture of solid brown, hand dyed Autumnal yarn and gold metallic thread.
I also experimented with black and neons which I thought was cool.  I made a little purse type of thing!  It is a cover for the i phone I don't own!
I made some other little purses but they have hidden themselves somewhere.  They are destined to become 'needle cases'.  So this £1.00 loom got my enthusiasm going for weaving.  When I saw this baby appear for sale 'pre-owned'  I couldn't resist:
It is an Ashford 24" Rigid Heddle Loom.  I am yet to put it to work.  Needless to say it is slightly more complicated than the £1.00 children's loom.  Currently I am running totally on guess work.  I am partially 'Warped'.  Not one for doing things by halves, I have chosen to warp it up and go for a wrap type of thing, rather than start 'easy' with another scarf.   Fingers crossed and the yarn God's be willing!  I have high hopes for this!  Can you imagine what my small town house looks like?  It is squished to the brim with Yarn, fibre, fleece from various animals and origins, boxes of yarn and unfinished projects, spinning wheels and looms!  I have spinning on the go, knitting on the go (two projects), crochet on the go (currently three projects) one sewing project on the go...I am always on the look out for more.  I saw a badge once that said 'Yarn is Cheaper than Therapy.'  Hmmm I don't think so!  I am sure a stay at 'The Priory' would be cheaper!  It would probably be much much less fun though!
(Edit I must point those of you who are interested in Weaving in the direction of Knits and Crosses.  Sarah is new to weaving but has made some great fabrics already...she has inspired me to get cracking on my loom and have a go.  She has even written a Tutorial explaining how she warps her loom which is very helpful...)


  1. Oh!!!!! I had one of those -- exactly the same when I was a little girl and I LOVED IT!
    Have fun
    Love Linda

  2. Lucy, I love the scarves! What a splendid loom!

  3. How cute! I got a toy loom from eBay a couple of years ago and now I have a Cricket loom, which I really want to use but I'm being indecisive about the yarns I want to use. :) You are inspiring me to get off my butt and just do it!

  4. That looks so much fun!!
    Now I want a loom too!!

  5. Lucy, you continually amaze me with your adventures in the fiber arts! I can soOOoo relate! I actually have a bigger floor loom in the loft of my barn. I had it mostly strung with warp and went on vacation, my mom house sat for us and took care of a litter of Himalayan kittens we had. When we returned I looked in horror at the loom.. mom had thought it was funny that they found the top of the warp and had played with it to the point it was all pulled and messed up beyond belief. I got so disheartened, I moved it to the barn and never took it up again. Naughty me!! I need to take a look and see if it's still workable. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. How fun! You're so multi-faceted with your fiber :) It's always fun to read about people's latest yarny adventures! I particularly like the fall-ish looking scarf with the oranges/browns/golds. Very festive! Keep up the good work!

  7. They look brilliant Lucy!! I am glad that my ahem "tutorial" helped...I will be contacting you via Ravelry very shortly to get your address so that I can send you the instruction booklet for the Ashford Loom!
    Keep on weaving!!

  8. Lucie,
    You should check out the Ashford website for warping instructions; also Jane Patrick has a book and dvd for the Rigid Heddle Loom that will put you over the moon.

  9. Looks very fun! I especially like your use of blacks.

  10. Welcome to weaving! I highly recommend the book "Hands on Rigid Heddle Weaving" by Betty Linn Davenport as a great beggingers guide. I got my copy very inexpensively at a second hand book store. Also I must say I personally LOVE the "direct warping method" which you can check out on my blog ( )or YouTube.

  11. Thank you all for your comments, you have given me motivation and some interesting links and book recommendations to follow up on. I will be delighted when I finally master the art of warping! I love blogging! It is a fantastic way to network and learn with like minded souls :) x

  12. Oh goodness I'm loving the scarf's. The Autumn one is my fav!!!

    My friend has a large one in her house it's so fun to go over and watch her do projects :).

  13. I totally LOVE your blog youre an amazing woman, so talented and unafraid. Bless you I'm inspired.


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)