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Thursday, 2 February 2012

A Touch of Glamour or Two!

Last night I finished spinning and plying 'Clamor for Glamour'.
I chose to Navajo Ply because I wanted blocks of solid colour rather than a complete marl yarn.  I have said before I am just delighted to be spinning yarn but I would like to improve and get an evenly plied yarn.  I guess it will come with experience (or maybe not!)  There are a few knots where the singles broke during plying but I am finding knots quite regularly in commercial yarn anyway so  I will forgive myself a knot or two.
Don't ask me what weight it is or how much I have!  I have one skein of 'thinnish for me' stuff!
Look at that glamour.
That is not the only glamorous thing to be going on around here today, one lucky lady has had a pampering, a very posh wash and blow dry!

I ran around the garden taking over ten photographs and this was the best one.  The others are all blurs as chickens move pretty fast.   Dotty Daisy was a very dirty 'Little Red Hen' apparently some Hens are just dirtier than others.  Daisy is very cute but she is the dirtiest of the three!  Not a nice claim to fame.  So today I had my first experience of bathing a chicken.  It is very cold here at the moment but she actually seemed to enjoy her warm bubble bath.  She didn't struggle she really relaxed in the water and chatted away.  Her sisters watched on and looked fascinated.  I couldn't leave her cold and wet so I used the hair dryer to get her dry and fluffy again.  I was worried it would distress her but she seemed to thoroughly enjoy the whole experience.  She cooed and clucked, chatting to me while I dried her.  She tried once to make a run for it as I took her into the shed to dry her, at one point I had a chicken on my head!   I think she would appreciate weekly visits to the salon now she has had a taste for it .  There is never a dull moment around here, it is not an everyday thing to bath a chicken is it?  I think I am going to become a very strange, eccentric old lady one day, if I am lucky! 


  1. That yarn has such a beautiful shine. That also made me want to pull out my drop spindle. It's been far too long since I managed to do any spinning.

  2. Gorgeous yarn, I have no idea how to spin so I'm in awe of anyone who can!

    I can just see Daisy enjoying her blow dry, lol!

    Lori xxx

  3. I love your yarn, very pretty indeed and I had a good giggle at you washing and blow drying your chicken. Now I have heard everything :D

  4. Lovely yarn. I still have to have a go at Navajo plying, can't quite get my head around it!!

    Lovely imagery of you and your chicken salon. And yay for eccentric old ladies, they are the best kind. Well, that's what I plan to become anyway!

  5. strange eccentric old ladies RULE!!!!!
    and I love your spun yarn, I am so amazed you do that!!!
    its just beautiful

  6. I loved this post! The yarn is beautiful, the chicken is beautiful, and strange and eccentric are good things.

  7. it is gorgeous, so what are you going to make with it?

    hehe 10 pictures ... lol I love it! She is looking very pretty :).

    Thanks for letting me know a new word :) Barnet I love it!!

  8. Daisy looks very smart and sleek!Maybe I should branch out into chicken grooming, do you want a job? Handsome Hounds and Clean Cluckers!

  9. What fun! Lovely yarn! I am still at the stage of spinning that I am thrilled when the fibers hold together, bumps or not! The 1000s of hens who grew up around me were sadly denied such grand salon treatment. I rejoice that you shared your *uniqueness* with us!<3

  10. Ohhh.. Lucy.. I love that yarn! So glam! I am going to a spinning workshop next week which will give me a jump start on my spinning. Plus.. the instructor will look over my wheel and make sure I have it all "tuned" right. And I will be able to take photos with my new SLR camera! Woo hoo! There is a hey you about you on my blog today. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  11. wow beautifull wool
    i know you've already got one(ior a few) but now you've got more i've awarded you the versatile blogger for having such a great blog

  12. Wow! That yarn looks amazing! I would not have a clue where to start with spinning, but the shimmer on that yarn is lush!! Well done.xx

  13. Hi Lucy
    Beautiful yarn. I just wanted to let you know that you won the book in my give away. I have put an email address on my blog, so if you contact me on that with your address I can send the book! Jude x

  14. That yarn is just lovely!! You're very talented!


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