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Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Question - Do Chickens like Pancake Day?

You bet they do!
Euan learnt a lesson in self moderation, I hope.  After eight pancakes he waddled away from the table.  Henry learnt his lesson last year he ate just four pancakes this year.
We ate our Pancakes the traditional way, with sugar and lemon juice.  (The chickens had theirs plain).
The Pancakes were rolled up like fat cigars.

I have never given up anything for Lent.  This year I think we may give up Pancakes.  


  1. Those look so yummy! I love roll-up pancakes and need to filch the recipie from one of my friends. I've never heard of putting lemon juice on them before. I enjoy putting a spread of peanut butter on mine, rolling it up, and drizzling it with honey. Talk about filling!

  2. Those look like crepes.. I love those with cream cheese and raspberry jam inside. The chickens look happy!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. mmmm pancakes! I don't have any of the key igredients for making them but we had some on Saturday :-)

    Om nom nom!

  4. I do remember pancake day from my uni days when I lived in England. How yummy. Bet the chickens dream of pancake day now.

  5. Yummy, yummy pancakes. :) I prefer mine with strawberries. Our chickens love scraps too... whenever there is anything left over! ;)

  6. They look delish! We had ours this year with caramel inside - a must try :)

  7. Mmmmm your pancakes look delicious! I forgot it was pancake day and had a plum crumble instead :(

  8. I wonder if they make the eggs taste different Lol!

  9. Pancake Day?!?!? Oh man. I have really been missing out! :(

  10. normally vegetarian, i'm going vegan for lent and giving up the chocs! my son said he would rather wear a hair shirt than go vegan.
    Euan should be proud of himself, he beat my son's six pancakes. although he once managed to eat a dozen (having fasted the rest of the day in order to make room for them).
    i like lemon pancakes best too (yum! i tend to eat three). my twins like them with maple syrup, bananas and vanilla cream ( i would not be able to manage more than one of those). am glad the chickens enjoyed theirs :)

  11. I managed four pancakes - with chocolate spread yummy! 8 must be a record I'm sure:-) xx


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