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Friday, 17 February 2012

Pie 'In the Sky' Day Friday

There won't be a pie today in this house.  My 'One Woman Decluttering Mission' is to blame.  More of that after the 'Pie' which is actually Quiche.  I made this last week.  It is a very simple and tasty 'Leek Quiche'.  Very few ingredients but a very tasty 'pie'.   Quiche is not appreciated by my brood but it is appreciated by my parents so I had half and they had half.
Leek Quiche:
Shortcrust Pastry Base (blind baked)
1 Leek finely chopped
1 Onion finely chopped
Butter for frying
150g strong Cheddar cheese, grated.
2 eggs (From your bestest Chickie Friends)
100ml milk

Gently fry the onion and leek gently in butter, until they are soft but not coloured.  Spread over the base of the quiche.  Sprinkle with the grated cheese.  Beat the eggs with the milk.  Pour the eggs and milk over the quiche filling.  Cook in a medium/hot oven for 20-30 minutes until it golden brown on top.   Enjoy.

I feel I must take this opportunity to update you with my 'One Woman Mission' to Declutter the house.  It certainly cures your insomnia!  Not that I had insomnia, but I did have to have an early night, which has meant this morning I was awake before the Sun had put his hat on and before the birds!  Yesterday I achieved what I set out to do, declutter my room and make trips to the tip and the Charity Shop.

I made a list using a tally chart of what I manged to declutter.  There were 71 items for the chartity shop.

13 tops/shirts/jumpers
5 T shirts
3 pairs of children's trousers
3 Cardigans
25 books
14 magazines
1 Toiletry set
3 bottles of Body Lotion
2 preschool games
1 video
1 blank audio cassette

71 items to the Charity Shop!  I have a bit of a thing for round today I may look for another 29 things, then that will make a nice round 100.  Which sounds fantastic.  I must have got rid of over 100 items but some of it went to the 'Tip' so sadly destined for landfill.  This included:

Very old clothes
2 Dead Vacuums (It is a long story!)
Old work files
Floppy Disks
A black sack of general junk

I also recycled a big box of paper.  I rediscovered parts of my bedroom carpet!  I have also found some lost treasures, including a favourite crochet hook and bookmark.  I actually found cash!  I also found coupons £15 and saving stamps £30 (of course you have to be disorganised enough in the first place to lose them)!  It was good to be reunited!  It was like finding a fiver in your old coat pocket!  All was going well and I was feeling rather smug.  Euan has been very complementary about my efforts and has been and had another look today and consolidated his praise!  Yes that's right all was going well....  I had three loads of washing to do last night.  I put the first load in my trusty old tumble is older than my oldest son so that makes it about 17 years old...well its given up the ghost!  Hasta la vista Baby!  It will be destined for landfill ASAP!  I did not wish to declutter large electrical appliances!  Today I will have to go and find a new one.  It puts the stoppers on my 'One Woman Mission' to Declutter, it interferes with 'Pie Making' and it makes a mockery of delusions of imminent 'Tah Dah!' crochet moments.


  1. Mmmmyour look quiche looks delicious ;P
    I am impresed with your recycling efforts! It's a bloomin' shame your tumble dryer has decided to give up on you though....mind you at that age it had a good innings!

  2. That quiche certainly does look delicious! And it sounds as though your cleaning adventures are going quite well :) I am sorry about your appliance though. That does tend to throw a kink in things! Best of luck finding a new one and finishing your decluttering project!

  3. I agree, the quiche looks yummy! Well done on your decluttering mission, what fabulous progress! I decluttered my desk drawers yesterday, I felt very proud when I was done, I also felt the need to lie down and eat a chocolate biscuit :D

  4. I love quiche, DH can just about tolerate it, always accompanied by the comment "Real men don't eat quiche".
    Have a lovely weekend Lucy.
    Carol x

  5. p.s. great decluttering, I took 6 books, a scarf and some sandals to charity shop today (and didn't buy anything!)
    Sorry about your drier, mine is about that age and makes some very weird noises at times.

  6. Wow, you really are on a roll! That's very impressive and I'm glad you've got support and encouragement at home. :)

  7. Hubby kept a washer going for 20 years - so he figures you might be able to fix that one. HA! Me, I'd love a new washer and dryer! Funny part is, when that old one finally died.. he took his mom and dads ancient ones and that's what we use now. Sheesh.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. Oh your pie/quiche looks gorgeous! You really need to make an apple pie to keep your troops happy though as you did say the next one would be sweet!
    Well done on the decluttering, I really need to do some of that soon...
    Well how come everyone else manages to get years and years out of appliances, my Mam is the same her dryer is 29 now, lol! WIth me they day one day after the guarantee runs out :-(

    Lori xx

  9. Had your quiche for breakfast this morning. Yummy! Thanks so much for sharing! It's especially good reheated.

  10. I am seriously impressed by your de-cluttering efforts, and I like your round figure hmmm very satisfying!
    But appliance shopping now that is grim, I do mine online so I don't have to venture to the retail park(makes me shake just thinking about it!) Hope you find one soon.

  11. I didn't count the stuff I took to the charity shop today but reckon it was a measly dozen. Also filled two crates of recycling. I too can see bits of the carpet unseen for months!



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