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Sunday, 26 February 2012

'Delusions Of Grandeur' You may be able to help?

I am really pleased with the results of my latest 'Fete accompli' in the Granny Chic, Granny Stripe department.    It marks my tenth dabbling with 'design' adventures.  I have decided albeit tentatively to go up a notch and see where I can 'go' with this 'design'.  So for now I will keep it a 'secret'.  I am not good at secrets of any description, I can't keep them and if anyone is trying to keep one from me, it darn near kills me!   I have a Monday Birthday coming up at the beginning of March, I am not overly keen on birthdays and I really don't like Mondays so I have to be good to myself.  I am old enough to try the spirit of 'She who dares wins'!  Life is full of 'What ifs?'  I can give myself a birthday gift of being brave, risking failure and trying something new.  Really what have I got to lose?
Now where do you come in to assist me with my 'Delusions of Grandeur'?  I could really do with the equivalent of 'Willy Wonka's secret team of Oompa Loompas'.  I could really do with 3-5 crocheting Oompa Loompas to test this 'Top Secret' new pattern for me.  I can e-mail a 'pdf' of the pattern to you if you are interested and I promise it should be easy, quick and fairly pain free.  You will need scraps of  DK yarn / worsted weight.  If you are interested in becoming a trusted crocheting Oompa Loompa please apply formally in writing, via the 'comments box' and leave a method for me to contact you, either Ravelry ID, e-mail or Facebook.  I will have your credentials checked over by my Security Team (consisting of . . . . me) and will get the confidentiality agreement drawn up.
Now back to reality and  the 'Sunday Roast', my troops are starving!

Edit:  Great News!  The Troops have all been fed and I have a 'Team' of willing victim  Crochet Oompa Loompas.  Thank you very much.  I will be in touch this evening.  XXX  


  1. Hi
    I don't mind trying to help do this pattern for you and you can contact me on
    Jan Taylor

  2. Oh I would love to! my email is or my blog is or ravelry is truly jaded. I've got yarn that needs a project to do! X

  3. I'd love to give it a go, I've got boxes of wool that need using up, my email is

  4. I will be an oommpa Loompa for you.

  5. Hi Lucy,
    I would love to do it. I can be contacted through rav, you know me, kashig, or email me at Hope to hear from you. :)

  6. Hi Lucy,

    I can see you've already got 5 but just thought I'd offer to help too.

    Grace x

  7. oh I would loved to have helped out but you've got more than enough of willing hands
    never mind good luck with what you are trying i look forward to seeing the result

  8. I would love to test it for you, if you still need someone!

  9. I am quite intrigued now, and looking forward to seeing the end result.
    Looks very pretty whatever it will be

  10. I see your have all your willing victims.. :-) I look forward to seeing what secret adventure you're up to! We're off to youngest son's house for turkey dinner. This will be her first so it will be interesting!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  11. How intriguing!! I see you have all the Oompa Loompas you need, and here's me with a bright orange face and green hair!

    Can' wait to see what you're up to though...

    S x

  12. I can't crochet...but I am on tenterhooks waiting to see what you have come up with :)

  13. Hi Lucy, ooooh secrets, need a deerstalker and magnifying glass at the ready.
    I can see you have plenty of Oompa Loompahs but if any drop out I'll be happy to try out your new pattern.
    Carol xx (aka Dansnanna, Ravelry)

  14. I would love that troop to come help clean!!

    Glad you got a helper :)

  15. Lol ~ looks like you had no trouble filling up your Oompa Loompa spots! ;) Hmmm, that makes me want to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... I love Johnny Depp. ;)

  16. Looks like I missed out on Oompa Loompa-ing for you :-) I'm intrigued as to what it will be and look forward to seeing this!
    Lori xx

  17. Ah I missed out on being an Oompa Loompa too - if you do need any further help let me know :-) Joanna xx


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)