Made from scrap

Made from scrap
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Monday, 6 October 2014

Scrumbling along nicely

Oh please indulge me and let me bore you with crochet scrumbles for a while.  I think this is complete now.  I mean how do you know?  If I could do a nice bullion stitch button I would, that is what it is lacking.  I have tried bullion stitch and it is beating me for now, so I had to make do with puffy buttons that look like anemones to me.  As soon as I master it, this scrumble is having a big one!  I did not really like making a scrumble from one colour.  It was for a challenge.  It did make me look at how to add variety, shape and texture to the scrumble without colour.  I tried different hook sizes and worked with multiple strands of yarn but not to any great effect.  I loved adding the other shades of yarn.  I really loved working with silver sparkly thread.  I liberated the thread from a charity shop for 20p, it is a great big spool, I am sure the thrifty bargainousness of the thread makes it even lovelier to work with.  In my opinion scrumbles cry out for sparkly thread.

My friend who is not a crafter is completely baffled by my scrumble.  I hope for any of you that are baffled, after this post you won't be.  I have been busy working on other scrumbles too.  (If you say you have been 'busy working on' it sounds more important than saying 'I have been having great fun playing with yarn').  Working 'freeform' without a pattern is very liberating and I can recommend it if you feel your skills have reached a plateau.  You live and learn eh?  For example my next scrumble will not be repeated.  I liked lots of 'petals' but they were a labour of love.
Scrumbles do not have to be elaborate or complicated.  Simple scrumbles have their place in the world.
Playing with stripes, yarns and stitches.
This was my first attempt at a 'block stitch'.  I will keep practicing, I liked the bend though.
I have also played with circles and spirals.  I am yet to master spirals too.

It is when you start to piece the scrumbles together that the magic happens.  These two were 'made for each other'.
You piece it together like patchwork into a single 'fabric'.  None of the pieces are fixed yet, it is fun swapping them all around.  

Then you have to decide what to do with it.  If I made a hat I would sure get noticed.  Some people make 'art' and 'wall art' with their scrumbles.  You can pay hundreds for a freeform crochet coat.  You can use the scrumbles to embellish plainer fabrics or garments.  I think I am going to turn this one into a cushion.  I am going to work on some pink scrumbles to decide if I would like two pink and purple cushions or one pink and one purple.  Decisions decsions.  I best get scrumbling.  I do hope I have tempted at least a couple of you to have a go.  Let me know eh?  xx  


  1. You're right, those freeform pieces are ART! You should mount it on a board and have an art show! You could put a huge price tag on it, why not? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. It is looking great, I'd join you if I had the time

  3. Love your scrumbles and any of them would look great on a jumper or coat or anywhere.
    I did a square that had circles once and almost did my head in but eventually it turned out neat lol
    Scrumble away, love seeing them

  4. I shall watch with interest! I have always fancied having a go at free form crochet so now may just be the time! Love the colours you have chosen and you're right, the sparkles just give it that lift. :)

  5. I LOVE your scrumbles ^_^ XOX


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