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Friday, 4 January 2013

How about a 'Grand Tea Swap' ?

Happy New Year!  I am a bit late but the year is still 'new'.  I have been basking in the afterglow of all the festive hoohaa.  I am rather glad the Glinsel and titter has been packed away for another year.  It is lovely but there is a certain ahhhhh to be had when it is packed away again.  I have been very quiet 'for me' on the blogging front and I must get back into the swing of it!  I am sitting like a startled rabbit in the headlights at the prospect of returning to work next week.  Work. . . it rather spoils my fun!   So the challenge is to make work fun!
            Now I have just read a blog Happy Angel it is singing the virtues of a simple cup of tea.  Oooooh yes for I am a 'tea belly'.  I love me a nice cuppa char!   My Dad used to make me a cup of tea in my bottle and I can actually remember that far back, swigging my tea out of a bottle.  Regardless of 'Health Visitors' advice both of my boys loved tea in their bottles too and they still drink a lot of tea.  Happy Angel's blog post and my love of tea got me thinking. . . oh good grief we know what happens when I get thinking. . . but I wondered if anyone would be up for a 'Grand Tea Swap'?  I am not really sure how this will work but I am thinking that if you let me know if you are interested leave me a comment and a way to contact you via email.  I will collate a list of addresses and and pass on a list of addresses to each person taking part.   Everyone taking part will have everyone else's address.  Then we could randomly start swapping a couple of Teabags of the fanciest kind.   There are no time limits for sending out tea, so we could be swapping and receiving surprise teas for quite a while.  I don't think you can have too much tea.  What do you think?  Is any body in?  I am off to make meself a cuppa right now.

Rules For The Grand Tea Swap
1) Must like tea.
2) Leave a comment and a way for me to contact you via e-mail by the 11.1.13
3) When you receive the list of fellow Tea Swappers just send what you can to whoever you choose when you can.
4) Remember to blog about 'The Grand Tea Swap' and any tea you receive.



  1. Oh what a T-riffic idea (sorry, well I am a big fan of Father Ted - remember Mrs Doyle? "have a cup of tea father, go on, go on, go on, go on,.....)

    Please count me in!

    my email is

    Off for a cuppa!!


    1. I am glad you are 'in' I have sent you an e-mail. :)

  2. Happy Angel here.... Brilliant idea! Count me in, please and I'll get my vanilla tea ready x
    Thanks for visiting me as well!

    1. I love the sound of Vanilla tea! I have sent you an e-mail. :)

  3. Oh! Email; x

  4. Replies
    1. I am so glad you are in and hope you read this, I have tried to e-mail you three times to no avail. xxx You can e-mail me at We will get you on that tea list come hell or high water! lol

    2. Hi thanks for kind comments over at mine. That is the correct address - did you put the double ll at the end of daffodill (I couldn't have single l it was taken) perhaps that is the answer. If not pm me on Ravelry (Daffodil2012.

      Hope this helps. x

    3. I have emailed you so that should sort it.

  5. Ohhhhh this sounds like just my cup of tea :) Please count me in, Lucy. Thanks and hugs from Gracie :)

  6. Did someone mention a cuppa ... oh count me in please ... as you know me on facebookyou may as well message me there :0) xxx

  7. Can I play too Lucy - i've just joined the blogging world and what a super way to make new friends - time to put the kettle on me thinks Bev xx

  8. Happy new year to you first, and yes I am certainly interested in participating. My e mail address is thanks shaheen

  9. Here in UK tea is a tradition - and none more so than in my house. London is full of specialist tea shops and I would love to share some of the more original ones with fellow bloggers. My email can be found via my blog, (not keen to share it with the world).
    PS Love your blog - stumbled via Unbound Knits.

  10. TEA!!! THE DRINK OF THE GODS!!! Count me in :) Email is

  11. Hiya Lucy , so glad I didn't.miss this , please count me in , I think you,ve got my email ,hopefully, oh by the way thanks for the book , it's on my next to read list and I've just thought of what I can do with it when I've read it ,Joan

  12. Well it seems impossible to resist Lucy, having just given my youngest a Christmas gift of tea and biscuits! Oh yes we drink alot of the stuff all kinds too!
    Email me at

    Hope work goes well for you am not looking forward to the early start, mayhem and stress although it will be helped by guessed it a nice cup of tea LOL! x

  13. Yes please, this sounds right up my street! I can't start my day without tea and I am also passing on my addiction to my daughter. My email is

  14. Oh very much yes Lucy that sounds great! I am a tea addict! My mother used to send me boxes of Pg Tips out to me here in Spain because you could only buy rubbish tea here in the local supermarkets about 10 years ago. There has been progress since then and you can get PG Tips in most big supermarkets now and some other exotic brands I've never heard of before.
    You have my email address Lucy.

    keep well
    Amanda :-)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Ok, I will join, just like a pen friend only with tea benefits!!
    Msg me via my blog or email available there, thankyou Lucy ☺☺
    Wendy in oz

  17. ooo! Count me in please ^_^ I think you have my email.^_^

  18. Hello,
    I wonder if this awesome event still opens for me to join? I dont' have a blog and if it doesn't matter, please let me in, too. I live in US and am a Japanese, maybe I can send some interesting bags!
    my e-mail is
    Thank you Lucy!

  19. Is it too late for me to join in?? I've just found your lovely blog through Annabelle Serendipity and the 2 Bags Full Grow Your Blog party links. :) I LOVE tea and would so like to be a part of the tea swap! My blog is called The Modest Peacock and my email is (I tried to create a link here, but it didn't work.) Thank you!


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)