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Monday, 7 October 2013

Testing Testing...Ask Me What I am Knitting...

I know...long time no see.  I do think about Blogland but I just don't make time to write.  I am not sure if I will or if I won't but it is all ok.  I have wondered about moving Blogs...fresh starts are always, erm...refreshing?  I do miss my Blog buddies but I know you are all still out there doing your thing.

If you ask me what I am knitting, I will gently correct you and say 'actually this is crochet'.  I am currently working on a pink Granny stripe piece for this Peace scarf.

I absolutely love a peace protest, especially when it involves yarn...and so much the better if it is pink.  As the mother of two boys, I like to work in pink!  The more lurid the better.  If you click this link it will take you to the website 'Wool Against Weapons' and it will tell you all about it.  I am happy to have my crochet Mojo back.  I can't photograph my bit yet, because my camera cable has disappeared. I still need to have a quiet word with the dog and ask her what my phone charger was doing in her basket, along with a stolen 'Apple and Cinnamon' muffin.  She is a very clever dog, I never catch her in the act of being 'naughty'.
I have finished making and collecting Premature Baby clothes for now, I have not forgot I need to update you with photographs of the lovely bundle of makes that I have to donate.  We have a holiday in three weeks I will try and drop it off at the hospital then.  Hospitals are always in need of these things...I guess my timing is not crucial.
           If anyone did feel particularly motivated to crochet or knit a square or two in a lurid shade of pink, I would be more than happy to piece them together and send them off to 'Wool Against Weapons'.  You know how to get in touch with me.  It would be great to hear from you.  XXX


  1. Luuuucy! I've thought of you often.. I'm so happy to see you poke your head up in the blog-o-sphere again! I do hope you'll say hello to us more often. Did you ever frame the painting of the Tor I did for you? I hope you pop over and visit my blog! Missed you! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Lucy!!! Thanks for posting!!! I have missed you, too. I finally made my first premie baby cap a few months ago, inspired by you to do so, but I was not confident it was usable so it is perched on the head of a little stuffed rabbit I made, but it at least is a start. When I make more, I intend to donate them locally. Thanks so much for your encouragement to give to this need. Now I am off to check out Wool Against Weapons.
    Blessings to you and yours,
    Gracie xx

  3. Great to see you appear!! Isn't it wonderful to make things to give to others ie: hospitals/charities. I do my bit where I can.
    take care my friend ♥

  4. Great to see you back in blog land!

    Hope all is going well.


  5. Lovely Lucy.its lovely to see you back.

  6. wow ....
    so nice to see you back
    hugs x

  7. lovely to see you back blogging! x

  8. It great to see you back here again and all is well. I had been wondering and silly me being blessed or cursed with a vivid imagination thought of allsorts that might have kept you away from us. Anyhow you are here and I'm happy to see you :-)

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  9. Glad to see you , it's a great reason to crochet for , we all know you haven't forgot about us, thanks for the comment on my blog ,take care

  10. Missed you my friend. So happy to read anything you write. XO

  11. That is an AWESOME idea and I have just signed up for the campaign too!

    It's lovely to see you back in blogland regardless of how often you go and find out what else your dog has been stashing x xx

  12. Good to hear from you Lucy :-) I think our WI craft group (yep, WI!) might be joining in with the pink protest. I have enough pink wool but not that much time, I'm sure we'll get something done though.

    Good to hear I'm not the only one who corrects people, does this look like knitting? Do you see knitting needles? No.



  13. yay!! Tis so very lovely to ''see'' you here ^_^ And what a lovely thing to be doing! I fancy making something in mad pink for this lovely cause! I shall see what I can do. Sending you HUGE hugs and cuddles for the dog cos her antics made me smile big time ^_^
    Lots of love

  14. Glad to see you back in the blogosphere Lucy hope your life is settling into it's new rhythm and that your gorgeous boys and you are well, oh and of course the girls! Bout your request, I alas have very little time to make any squares for you but I do have some sparkly lurid pink yarn, If you can use it or pass it on to someone who can I'm happy to send it to you. Sue x

  15. Hi Lucy, i'm the same, rarely around in blogosphere! What a great idea, seen a few programmes recently recalling the days when I wore my Ban the Bomb pin with pride.
    I find Instagram a way of keeping in touch with bloggers. A lot quicker than regular blogging. Alice of Crochet with Ramond blog just joined, lovely to hear from her again.
    Hope all is well with you at the moment. Family illnesses continue to be a worry for us, hopefully 2014 will be better. If you join Instagram hope you will say 'hi' (Dansnan)
    Carol xx


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)