Thursday 12 July 2012

Oh Lordy - Wish Me Luck...

Well I am not a natural born Weight Watcher that is for sure!  0.5lb off today.  Not bad as I have indulged in 'Birthday Cake' and chocolates, oh and wine and a Chinese Take Away!  For some unknown reason I have agreed to go to an 'Aqua Zumba' class tonight with my friend.  I would rather have someone stamp on my toe!  I am going as a form of self punishment as I have eaten too much chocolate.  Running has been postponed, I aint  exactly Forest Gump!  Swimming has also dwindled.  The last time I went I was minding my own business doing breast stroke when I was suddenly mounted from behind by a large lady wearing a menacing looking noseclip.  It was much too close for comfort and now I know how whales feel in the mating season!  There is always a bigger fish.
                I am not a dancer and it is very hard for me to find my groove!  I tried Zumba at the weekend with a DVD my neighbour has lent me.  I was five minutes in to trying to co-oridinate wiggling my hips and flinging my arms around when my partner walked in!!!!  Eeeek!  I quickly turned the dvd off and stood by the kitchen sink with a red face, puffing and panting and looking generally hot and sweaty...I tried to just act normal and not look guilty of anything!  Me and exercise just don't seem to be gelling!
                 In less than an hour I will be off to Aqua Zumba.  I am really concerned I am going to make a complete spectacle of myself.  I have always been prone to uncontrollable, childish fits of the giggles...well more like loud hearty cackles that come from my ample belly!  Seriously I am out of my comfort zone and anxious.  I will of course return and let you know how it went!   Wish me luck!


  1. Hope it went ok Lucy, I'm useless at anything like that,I have absolutely no co-ordination and tend to drift off in the opposite direction to e everyone else! Good luck with ww, a little loss better than none, especially as you'd had chocolate! Well done xxx

  2. You really do seem just about perfect to me! My birthday is in April. Perfect you might think but it always seemed to clash with the time when I was thinking about Spring and Summer clothes and a few years ago I was feeling guilty eating my Birthday cake when a lightbulb moment hit me!!!!! How many more years was I going to think this. So I made the momentous decision to stop dieting, stop weighing and stop obsessing about weight AND it has been the best decision I have ever made. I now weigh less than I have in years, I eat fairly sensibly most of the time and I let my clothes do the talking and if they bad mouth me I throw them out!!!!
    I do walk a lot but my favourite exercise is pulling my crochet hook in and out.
    Good Luck Lucy but remember what I said -- You seem pretty perfect to me-- on the inside where it counts x

  3. Oh my goodness! My daughter "fluffy" likes Zumba (which is great for burning off 11 year old energy) and she wants me to do it with her.....I don't think so! SO I wish you the best of luck as I sit here depressed over the 40 pounds of stress I have put on recently. Sea World called and said I better be back in my tank by the weekend ;)

  4. Good luck and try to have fun! Just remember that you are not the only one there that feels awkward. I've never tried Zumba but I've always thought it sounded worth a go!

  5. Good luck....I am sure you will be nowhere near as bad as you think you will! You won't be the only person who feels a bit fact, I am willing to bet you will love it :)

  6. I do Aqua Zumba once a week at my gym (as part of my pregnancy workouts because it's lower impact than regular zumba). I hope you had a fun time! The great thing about dancing about in the water versus dancing on dry land is that nobody can see if you're swiveling your hips wrong. :)

  7. Good luck!!!
    I will be looking forward to hearing about how it went, and either being inspired, or laughing!!
    Either is good :-)

  8. YAY! ZUMBA! You know I love it. :) I hope the aqua version is awesome for you! I have not tried Aquatic Zumba (or any public Zumba!) so I feel for you on that one. Maybe with parts of you in water it will feel less visible? I can't wait to hear how it went!

  9. You are sooOOOOooo funny! I bet you'll have a blast in the water class. I can't wait to hear your report. I was thinking of you today, but you'll have to read about it in my blog post in the morning. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. Good Luck. Since I din't know my right from my left any form of group excerise is out. It is safer for everyone else.

  11. Good luck Lucy!! I just spilled my milk reading about your swimming incident, lol! :D I've taken up swimming a month ago myself, there's a dirty old chap in our swimming pool who never actually swims, he only puts his goggled face in the water and you can see his head move in whatever direction the next lady is passing, can you believe it?? Looking forward to hear about your Aqua Zumba class :D x

  12. Lucy you are so funny. Zumba is confined to wii for me couldnt have anyone see me. Water zumba sound great, I did aqua aerobics a while back and its hard to move too fast but the resistance of the water gives you a good workout.

  13. Oh Lucy good luck don't laugh and duck under the water though you'll get water up yer nose!!!!


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