Friday 13 July 2012

Aqua Zumba - The Verdict is Still Out

Well, well, well. . . the results of Aqua Zumba were . . .  it was actually quite fun.  Almost.  In a strange sort of way.  I am left today with an ache between my shoulder blades probably from trying to hard to do something or other.  Jogging around a pool with thirty others creates quite a strong current. . . I thought it was hilarious when my friend almost disappeared. . . it was not quite as funny when I almost disappeared on the next round though.  We used 'Swimming Woggles' and 'paddles' to help with nifty little exercises.  Half the class was Cardio and half was body toning.  We had to jog, run, sprint on the spot while punching with our paddles.  The woggles were used as resistance 'weights' and they were also used to float with while you did moves that would normally be done on the floor.   Some of the exercises I just did not get the hang of, thank goodness we were underwater and nobody could see!  The verdict is still out on Aqua Zumba for me. . . I think I might have to try it again though!  


  1. That sounds like it would have been quite a sight! I'm glad you think you enjoyed it ;)

  2. That sounds like more general aqua fitness than Zumba specifically (which focuses mainly on the dance moves). I like both and it's certainly more challenging than it looks from outside the pool! Hehe.

  3. You are so brave to do that stuff with other people! I just swim laps and hope no one sees me. LOL! I'm off to the pool in an hour, after I eat a slice of leftover pizza. That is a diet food, isn't it? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Ha! Ha! where did you find that pic!
    I've done Aqua Zumba a couple of times but it didn't do me much good physically (didn't lose a bit!) but it did do me loads of good physiologically because I've never laughed so much in all my life. I went with my sister while in the Uk on a visit and as it is she is a case so we usually have a good old laugh one way or the other but that time was the max. In the end the instructor was giving us some really dirty looks so we thought we'd retire gracefully before getting kicked out of the class. It all started with what we had to do with those long roll things(what do you call them?...woggles?) and of course my sister had to comment and gesticulate and that was it half of the ladies including myself were in fits. I felt so good after that...wonderful what a good laugh does for you!
    I'd go back to a Aqua Zumba class again for sure if I could find classes here, its brilliant as I love swimming and the water helps you do much more than you would out of the'd suit me fine.Sure if you keep at it Lucy you'll lose loads. Enjoy! Amanda :-)

  5. Sounds like a lot of fun, I'd definitely give it another go.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Carol xx

  6. Lucy, you are the best. I agree with Teresa, I swim laps and hope no one sees me. Lol. I am extremely proud of myself today. I took the older daycare children on a hike through the Devonian Fossil Gorge today. I wasn't dressed for it. My boss was supposed to go and her child became ill and she had to leave. I have a chauffeur's license so I got out of my room and got to drive and take the kiddos. Wearing a long sleeve shirt(cold in the nursery where I normally work) and flip flop sandals. I did it though. Red and sweaty. It was 92F. I was actually thinking of you when we were hiking around. How you have keep going and don't give up. So you are an inspiration. XOXO

  7. Sounds like immensely hard work Lucy, with the added worry of if you go wrong swallowing a gallon of delicious pool water! If it were me I'd probably drown from laughing at impossible movements LOL! Glad you enjoyed it though ! Am off today to tap around in the rain.......hmm little bit like aqua zumba I think! ♥


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